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Bill Validators

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Hey, does anyone know where to get quality re-furbished bill validators and coin mechs in Canada?

Lowest price for an MEI combo I can find is almost 700 plus shipping new. Also, what criteria do you all have to justify a bill validator in the first place?

I passed on my first location because they demanded one at the time in order to secure the account and the quick calls I made then, put them at 1200.00 (way to rich for my blood)

My next two locations haven't been in place long enough to get a sense of volume yet and I will be placing two more at the end of the month, so still stumbling my way around.

Quite the education just starting out!

Wish I found this forum sooner, may have saved an error or two. But getting on track now.

My thanks to everyone.

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Growlie, I guess there aren't any Canadians here, eh? For refurbished units you can try Vendors Exchange in Cleveland, they may do business with vendors up there. You can also contact vendors in your area and ask about this. They shouldn't be too shy to share with you. Also check with Coin Acceptors and Mars Electronics at their corporate levels to find out who their representatives are in Canada as you may have to purchase new units and most of their branches also sell rebuilt units. Good luck with this.

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AZVendor, I had hopes there'd be a Canuck or two around here but oh well. I have send an e-mail to MEI and so far all they have done is supply a Canadian contact which I have been in touch with. Another route I was thinking is to purchase a US model and just re-program it to Canadian currency. Waiting to hear from MEI if thats even possible (not holding out hope). I will contact the distributors to see if they offer re-built. Never hurts to try. Great idea, thanks!

Priusjames, Ebay in Canada is a crapshoot at best, I have looked but to no avail as yet. Do appreciate the response, thanks.

Kiwi, these were sites I hadn't even come across before! Monday's full time job will be taking a back seat whilst I make some calls. Distance means nothing if it gets me making some coin. Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey...glad to see another hurtin' Albertan here!

Try calling Can-West Vending in Edmonton...I've bought all my machines there since the beginning and have found them to be pretty good. Not sure if they sell refurb coin mechs, but most llikely.

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Jasper, us Canucks are few and far between here! Calling Can-West sounds like an idea. Tried one supplier in Vancouver, but they really were not interested in selling re-furbished at all.

As I am still new at this, I'd like to pick yer brain on what your selling and typical prices.

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I have found that bill accepters have really helped close the deal for me, and has increased sales. An added bonus is you don't have as much change to lug around/roll either. The flashing blue lights really catch the eye from a distance. I wouldn't try and purchase a bill validator from the US, they need to be programmed for CDN currency, and with our new bills just coming out you would want current programming. They are really easy to install. I would be happy to share what I've learned so far....I have only been vending for 3 years, but here in Jasper we have a lot of busy hotels (like Banff) and business is good. ALL of my machines have bill validators on them...I wouldn't have it any other way. You've got a great vending supply (snacks etc..) right there in Calgary btw..i think its called Vending Products of Canada...www.vendproductscan.com

I have just recently discovered that Dollarama can supply you with ALL of your choc bar needs...they've got every type of chocolate bar/skittles/etc that you will need and it seems to be the best price I've been able to source out so far...here in Jasper prices are kinda inflated...its a tourist town and everything is more expensive, so I charge mostly 1.75 for a choc bar, skittles, nibs selection, and in Calgary you should have no problem charging 1.50 for a 40g bag of chips. I charge 1.75 in Jasper but thats only because its Jasper, everything is more expensive here, including the COGS so....

What are your locations like, and what kind of machines are you using? Did you buy an established route or are you starting from the ground up?

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Only just starting out. Placed my first machine in a furniture store 3 weks ago with 10 employees and lots of foot traffic. Even tho the machine is right at the front door, sales are not anything to get excited about, After I get them all placed, I'll find a much better home for it. Second one is in an industrial shop one week ago with 25 winter employees and upwards of 60 summer employees. First week did really well I think. I started with the 36gr chips that come in the varity pack but they quickly told me to get more BBQ and Ketchup and lose the Plain and Sour Cream n Onion, so thats why the change to the bigger bags. Dont want to buy stuff that doesnt sell.

So far I've set Pop at 1.00

Red Bull at 2.50

Choco Bars at 1.35

40gr chips at 1.25

36gr at 1.00

This is likely a little low, but once i get going, I think I will be able to prop it up a bit over time.

Now the bad part.............. I got caught in a Biz-OP last Nov and purchased 4 Seaga VC630 Combos, these are very similar to the HF3500. I really tried to do my research, and everything I found about the company was so dam positive the wife and I bit. I just didnt research the industry enough to make a better decision. Oh well, I'll get these 4 going and (very) slowly expand. Other than the ruff start, this has really been additive so far.

Really do appreciate everyones input!

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