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How many years have you been in vending?


How many years have you been in vending?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. How many years have you been in vending?

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Those stats just make me feel old. I've got 30 yrs in the industry. You should have had a category "to long to want to remember"

And right after that the category is "to old to remember";)

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I've got right past 19 years in vending already and I'm only 39 so unless the stress kills me I should have another 25 years left. Unlike many of you, I do not own my own machines. Managing a vending company is stressful enough I couldn't imagine having to be the manager, technician and route driver all at the same time. Is that what most of you guys do or do you have people working under you?

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  • 11 months later...

Do I get some kind of prize?:huh::rolleyes:

A prize huh? 

How 'bout putting a quarter in one of your toy machines and see what you get.  ;)

Seriously though, that's pretty impressive.  -Congrats on the milestone.

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