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Tempo Stands


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For nearly the same price you can get pipe-stands.

Which I recommend WAAAY more than those tempo stands.

I've seen those tempos in person and they appeared very junky compared to a decent pipe-stand.


One more thing to consider: you can get a little more top-heavy and be ok on a pipe-stand.

The heavy base on pipe stands allows for it to be used as a double or even triple stand.

On a tempo stand, I wouldn't recommend anything more than a single set-up.

That may not apply for your immediate needs, but think big picture and the pipe-stand is probably the better buy.

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I have one, but only because I got it with a used machine I bought on ebay awhile back.  I have it attached to a Hershey's Nugget machine and it serves its purpose, but I wouldn't buy anymore.  They aren't very sturdy and look dated.  I've worried that someone may trip over one of the legs.  My machine is placed in the corner, so it isn't as much of a problem there, but definitely could be if placed in a crowded area.  I would stick with the regular old pipestand!

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I have at least 100 of these stands on location, and have been for many years. I  have never had an incident with them.Most are double's with a plastic plate. (just something else no one likes) I think they are great, exspecially for old guys, pipe stands wear on me.

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I have at least 100 of these stands on location, and have been for many years. I  have never had an incident with them.Most are double's with a plastic plate. (just something else no one likes) I think they are great, exspecially for old guys, pipe stands wear on me.

I got plenty of them too, Jim.  No problems here.

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