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How long do Peanut M&M stay fresh?


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How long do PMM in an unopend bag stay fresh?


Costco has them on sale for around $7.50 a bag and I thought I would stock up and buy a 6 month or so supply.  Will they last 6 months or a year in an unopened bag and still taste good? Whats the longest you have held some in inventory?

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Well, I kind of ended up answering my own question.  I just found a couple of unopened bags of PMM's in a bin that was buried uner some stuff.  The bags were purchased in Dec 2012 at Costco when they were on sale.  A co-worker sampled the things for me (I personally cant stand the taste of them) and said that they were a 9 out of 10 regarding taste/freshness.  He said you could faintly detect that they were going stale but not really enough to detract from the taste. The unopened bages were stored in a non-airtight plastic bin in a heated/air-conditioned office in a warehouse. 

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How long do PMM in an unopend bag stay fresh?


Costco has them on sale for around $7.50 a bag and I thought I would stock up and buy a 6 month or so supply.  Will they last 6 months or a year in an unopened bag and still taste good? Whats the longest you have held some in inventory?

Figure 10 months for any packaged chocolate including candy bars

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