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I just got kicked out of a location


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In this scenario, getting kicked out didn’t bother me. It was why I got kicked out that bothered me. 


Yesterday I received a phone call from the manager of the pizza restaurant in which my single Northwestern Gumball machine was located. The machine was doing $20 - $25 per month. The manager told me the owner wanted my machine out. So I go there today and a Vendstar was beside my machine. So I went to discuss the matter with the manager. The owner said there is too many sweets for the kids that entered the restaurant.


My machine has been at that location for a year. Nothing would have been said if the Vendstar had not showed up. It stuck out like a sore thumb.  I thought about asking for the owner’s phone number, but I decided to take my machine and move on.  That is not the first location that I have lost and it won’t be the last. It’s a part of the business.

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Good attitude. Don't make a stink.

Just move on....but, not completely.

Set yourself up to call on them in the future.


Because they are not getting rid of bulk vending altogether, leaving on good terms is smart.

If the location is decent (as this one was for you) I always thank the mgr/owner for the time they allowed me to have my equipment in their restaurant.

And I ask if it's ok if I follow up in the future in case there is a change-of-heart regarding my machine or if things don't work out with the new vendor.


It's a really difficult way of doing things in this scenario for a lot of us.

Being nice is hard when we are cussing them out in our minds.

But, arguing with the owner/mgr rarely results in a positive outcome for the vendor.

So you may as well leave them with a good impression and with your professionalism intact.

It just might pay off down the road when you follow-up.

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People talk down to Vendstars all of the time; but I've booted better quality competitor's machines with Vendstars because of better service.  Were you providing poor service?  At $20-25 a month for a gumball single, I would definitely check in with them again!  Personally, I would offer them a commission on a small rack. Don't give up!   ;D

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People talk down to Vendstars all of the time; but I've booted better quality competitor's machines with Vendstars because of better service. 


Man, it sure is nice to find a vendstar owner who admits there are better quality machines out there.

It gets tiresome reading old posts from vendstar owners claiming those machines are as good as NW, Oak, Beaver, etc.



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I actually own 2 Vendstars. My other machines are Northwesterns and 1 Oak.


I will just call my locator to find me a new spot. I will wait until after January 1st. before I relocate the machine.


Thanks for the input Gages and Sherlock ;D

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I always ask to talk to the owner before I pull a machine. Honestly the excuse that "there is too many sweets for the kids that entered the restaurant" is kind of odd so I wonder if there was another reason. Was the Vendstar still there when you pulled your machine? If you are running charity and the Vendstar is paying commission the owner may think you are cutting into his profits. If you talk to the owner and politely ask him to elaborate on his decision you would be surprised how many times you can work something out. If you can't work anything out then as stated earlier be very polite, say thanks and move on. Unfortunately once you pull your machine your probably done in that location forever.  

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Look at it this way, "It could have been worse." I once had a call from a top account that my machine had been stolen and was laying in pieces in the alley.  What was left of it was a NW Triple Play and someone had run over it with their vehicle to get it open.  I had serviced it just 4 days before but only kept the machine filled about have way up the plastic so after mixed emotions about what happened and what the thief got it became my first NW parts machine.  Unfortunately I have had other machines stolen by unscrupulous locators and replaced with their machines.  The store owners would say "Oh, I thought You had replaced the machine.     : (

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Gumball Guy


The Vendstar machine was a charity machine (National Children's Cancer Society)...just like mine. This is a very small pizza joint. I think he wanted them out because it junked up the place. Everything was fine when my machine was there by itself. I just got screwed by a locator.


Full Line Guy


If I had several machines stolen I would quit or find a different town in which to locate my machines. I've only had one machine stolen in my 4 years of vending and that could have been prevented. The machine was placed in the foyer of a restaurant right by the outside exit door. The foyer was blocked off so you could not see from inside the restaurant to the foyer or vise versa. When the owner would not allow me to place the machine on the inside, I should have taken my machine and moved on. It's OK to place your machine in a foyer, but not one with no inside/outside visibility. So that one was on me.

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Gumball Guy

The Vendstar machine was a charity machine (National Children's Cancer Society)...just like mine. This is a very small pizza joint. I think he wanted them out because it junked up the place. Everything was fine when my machine was there by itself. I just got screwed by a locator.

Full Line Guy

If I had several machines stolen I would quit or find a different town in which to locate my machines. I've only had one machine stolen in my 4 years of vending and that could have been prevented. The machine was placed in the foyer of a restaurant right by the outside exit door. The foyer was blocked off so you could not see from inside the restaurant to the foyer or vise versa. When the owner would not allow me to place the machine on the inside, I should have taken my machine and moved on. It's OK to place your machine in a foyer, but not one with no inside/outside visibility. So that one was on me.

I have many restaurant locations like what you're describing and what I've done to solve that problem is place two machines; both on their own stand and chain them together so it would make it more difficult to steal. Even if it's just two singles, it has helped me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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