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Disassembling Vendstar


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This seems like a nube question  ;D , but I never really had to do it, so I'm honestly not sure.  How do I take apart a Vendstar?  I want to have it broken down into three parts:  Base, pole and body.  Looks like they thread, but I've been spinning, and it doesn't go anywhere.

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I completely disassemble, wash, sanitize, and reassemble three machines a day over the last two weeks. Its easy but kind of a pain. I purchased 53 Vendstars for $525 from a friend. I wanted to make sure they are cleaned and sanitized before I place them.

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I completely disassemble, wash, sanitize, and reassemble three machines a day over the last two weeks. Its easy but kind of a pain. I purchased 53 Vendstars for $525 from a friend. I wanted to make sure they are cleaned and sanitized before I place them.


I know many don't like the Vendstars, but that's quite a deal.  I find them pretty easy to clean and take apart. Parts are generally available. One thing that is a pain is replacing doors. They will break off in many cases. I have some machines that have kept doors for years and some that will be broken over and over again.  It just depends on your customers. Some are not smart enough to figure out the door only opens at a 90 degree angle. After that, it snaps off.  Also, the coin mech. is not a drop though design. If people want to rip you off, they can. They can also pry open the coin box if they want.  I've had few problems though. Most people are honest.   


They will hold up fairly well, I have machines in the field that are 4 years old and still working fine.    

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