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Time to move on from Honor Box Vending

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I know I have not posted many things on this forum, however, I have spent many hours reading the forums and soaking up the wisdom from others. I just want to say thank you to all the people who took their valuable time to share their insight and knowledge about the honor box business. I will share my experience and knowledge, but I am moving on to another business that is taking off and requires all of my attention, and is turning out to generate more revenue than my little snack box business.

I had about twenty-five honor box accounts that I built up over the last few months. I used the Los Angeles public school system web site to generate a prospect list for potential accounts using the LA County zip codes list. There is over three hundred public schools in the L.A. Unified School District. I then used google maps to generate the most efficient sales prospect route and went out to place my honor boxes in the teachers lounge at the various schools.

The honor boxes where very easy to place, because any free service that will benefit the teachers in the public school system is a welcomed addition to an all ready nearly impossible task of being a public school teacher. The school L.A. district has strict rules about vending machines and nutrition for the students, so the teachers are often subjected to the students vending machines, if there is vending machines at all. Most of the smaller schools had no vending machines what so ever in their tiny little teachers lounge. The Honor Box is perfect for teachers in public schools.

After the accounts where placed the shortages never exceeded 12 percent, and often where never short at all in the three months I had the accounts. I find the teachers are very good about paying for their snacks.

So any one in Los Angeles or southern California who wants to cash in on the Public School gold mine should stake their claim now, as I have simply shut down my snack box business, as I don't have time to sell it with my other new business taking off so quickly.




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Congratulations with your new venture.  Twenty five honor boxes shouldn't be enough to live off of so I don't blame you for shutting it down now if you have something else working for you.  I would rather give my honor box business away (to a worthy person) rather than shut it down if I couldn't sell it.  As a business-minded person though, I value hard decision making and I believe that you are doing what is best for you.  I'm always interested in small businesses and their progress so, if you ever make the time to make a post (even if it isn't vending related), please let us know how things are doing with you!  I would love to hear about it!

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