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Another take on the elections.


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Thought it would be fun to post a few of the political comebacks focused on the election, so here is the first.

Redistribution of wealth

Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign the read 'Vote Obama, I need the money.' I laughed.

Once in the restaurant my server had on a 'Obama 08' tie, again I laughed--just imagine the coincidence.

When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in need--the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my sight.

I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to thank the server inside as I've decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy was grateful.

At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I realized the homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did earn even though the actual recipient deserved money more.

I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application.

OR IS IT.........REDISTRIBUTION OF SOMEONE ELSE'S WEALTH IS A GREAT IDEA..............or just a fools political game !!

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and another.

--- Dear Fellow Business Owners

As a Business owner who employs 30 people, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barack Obama, will be our next President, and that my Taxes and Fees, will go up in a BIG way.

To compensate for these increases, I figure, that the Customer, will have to

see an increase in my fees to them of about, 8%. I will also have to lay off

6 of my employees. This really bothered me as I believe we are family here

and didn't know how to choose who will have to go. So, this is what I did.

I strolled thru the parking lot and found, 8 Obama bumper stickers on my

employees' cars.

I have decided these folks will be the first to be laid off.

I can't think of another fair way to approach this problem. If you have a

better idea, let me know.

I am sending this letter to all Business owners that I know.

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these are pretty lame

They should be eye opening. To bad they were not for you. I make less than 200,000.00 a year so Obama is giving me a tax cut right? I should be happy. BUT.......... I still pay taxes. 40% of Americans dont. How will he give someone a tax cut that deos not pay taxes? He will give them a check. So I think Im getting a tax cut but Im really still just having my money taken and given to someone else.

Thats what is Lame.

Obama will do good things for this country. I just dont want to pay for all of it.

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Keep an eye on the small businesses you all have your machines in. With this new president, I have a feeling there will be many of them closing due to the tax increases they have to absorb.

When he was campaigning in the primaries he labeled the rich at $300,000. When he ran for president it was 250. Near the end of the campaign it was 200. Biden was quoted in saying it was 150. Richardson said it was 120. They can't get their lies straight. When he is sworn in on Jan. 20 it will be back down to 42,000, which he voted on two years ago.

The only change you can believe in is that he will change his mind on every issue he campaigned for.

Oh, and don't sell your house for the next four years. That falls under the capital gains tax which will increase 5% from 15 to 20. In the primaries he said he would raise it to 28%. It may be 30% when takes office.

We will also see an increase of everything we purchase. The businesses will pass the tax increases along to us, the consumer.

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You know what else irks me. Some of the ' liberal ' media actually have spent time talking about what mistakes Palin or her staff made as she was running along side John McCain. Regarding wardrobe, interview with Katie Couric, etc. Who cares!!

One thing I have learned over time is that the mainstream media is so tilted towards the left it is a joke.

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No truer words said, Johnny. Journalism has turned into tabloids. They have always been bias in reporting elections but this year it was more noticed then ever before.

They are paying for their mistakes though. Ratings are dropping and subscriptions are dwinding.

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"If you sold your main home and made a profit, you may be able to exclude that profit from your taxable income. Here's how it works.

$250,000 Exclusion on the Sale of a Main Home

Individuals can exclude up to $250,000 in profit from the sale of a main home (or $500,000 for a married couple) as long as you have owned the home and lived in the home for a minimum of two years. Those two years do not need to be consecutive. In the 5 years prior to the sale of the house, you need to have lived in the house for at least 24 months in that 5-year period. In other words, the home must have been your principal residence.

You can use this 2-out-of-5 year rule to exclude your profits each time you sell or exchange your main home. Generally, you can claim the exclusion only once every two years. Some exceptions do apply"

"The reduced 15% tax rate on eligible dividends and capital gains, previously scheduled to expire in 2008, has been extended through 2010 as a result of the Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act signed into law by President Bush on May 17, 2006 (P.L. 109-222). In 2011 these reduced tax rates will "sunset," or revert to the rates in effect before 2003, which were generally 20%."

I also found this in the San Francisco Chronicle:

"The centerpiece of Obama's tax plan is the Making Work Pay Credit. It would give workers making up to $75,000 per year a credit equal to 6.2 percent of their first $8,100 in annual earnings. The credit, worth about $500 per year, would essentially refund what eligible workers paid in Social Security tax. Couples earning up to $150,000 a year could get up to $1,000 if both work.

The credit would not stimulate the economy because it "rewards people for what they have already done. Those people are already working," Williams says.Like other proposed tax cuts, the credit would provide no immediate stimulus because people would not get the benefit until they file their 2009 taxes in 2010, unless it was sent out in an advance refund check - a tactic used in the Bush administration.

For high-income people, Obama planned to restore the top two rates in effect during the Clinton era - 36 and 39.6 percent. Today the top rate is 35 percent. This increase would affect people whose taxable income exceeds about $165,000 (single) or $200,000 (married filing jointly). (Taxable income is the amount you pay taxes on; it is less than gross income.) Obama would also increase the capital gains and dividend tax for this same group of people to 20 percent from 15 percent.

Clint Stretch, managing principal for tax policy with Deloitte & Touche, estimates that a family of four with $500,000 in income from wages, interest and capital gains would pay an extra $3,100 in taxes under the Obama plan. But Stretch predicts that Obama "will not be anxious to raise rates until the economy firms up. Is this the first fight he wants to have, or are there things the new administration wants to do that would have a higher possibility of bipartisan support?"

These new additions might help some:

"Mortgages: Give homeowners who don't itemize deductions a new credit ($800 maximum) equal to 10 percent of their annual mortgage payments.

College: Replace the Hope credit (maximum $1,800) with the American Opportunity Tax Credit (maximum $4,000). Applies to qualified expenses paid the first two years of college. Income limits apply."

In the end he has quite a mess on his hands. I have heard talk about a possible bank holiday in Feb or March and that should get your attention to how big the problem is. Ture we do need morr of all those jobs we outsourced. It would be a good start to return all those tariff's we repealed over the last 20 years. What we really need to do is come up with the ultimate new energy source to sell to the world.

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"They should be eye opening. To bad they were not for you. I make less than 200,000.00 a year so Obama is giving me a tax cut right? I should be happy. BUT.......... I still pay taxes. 40% of Americans dont. How will he give someone a tax cut that deos not pay taxes? He will give them a check. So I think Im getting a tax cut but Im really still just having my money taken and given to someone else.

Thats what is Lame.

Obama will do good things for this country. I just dont want to pay for all of it."

I thought we lived in America where we were allowed to have our own political views I find the statements above my first coment  lame because it discriminates against people based on there own political views NO ONE SHOULD LOSE A JOB BASED ON WHO THEY SUPPORTED IN A ELECTION. We have the freedom of press and of religion and have the right to support which candidate we each feel will do best for us. Also as for the econimic plans Mr. Mc cain did not really out lay a plan and on many ocasion he has mentioned he dose not know much about the econmy.

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Powertechvending22 wrote:

"They should be eye opening. To bad they were not for you. I make less than 200,000.00 a year so Obama is giving me a tax cut right? I should be happy. BUT.......... I still pay taxes. 40% of Americans dont. How will he give someone a tax cut that deos not pay taxes? He will give them a check. So I think Im getting a tax cut but Im really still just having my money taken and given to someone else.

Thats what is Lame.

Obama will do good things for this country. I just dont want to pay for all of it."

I thought we lived in America where we were allowed to have our own political views I find the statements above my first coment  lame because it discriminates against people based on there own political views NO ONE SHOULD LOSE A JOB BASED ON WHO THEY SUPPORTED IN A ELECTION. We have the freedom of press and of religion and have the right to support which candidate we each feel will do best for us. Also as for the econimic plans Mr. Mc cain did not really out lay a plan and on many ocasion he has mentioned he dose not know much about the econmy.


First I want you to understand that this is not aimed at you personally but at the direction certain political views are taking our country, those that I totally and utterly object to.

I can tell by your statements that you are young and a casualty of our educational system. But I do have hopes for you as you have started your own business and become part of our Capitalistic system, you will begin to understand the principals on which this country was founded and how they are being taken from us by those that simply believe they have a right to what others have. They are simply wrong.

It is one thing when You or I give money or items to charity, that is called being Charitable.

I think the thing you are missing here is any plan to take something away from You or I that have Earned/worked for it and give it to another that has not, without our approval, is called Socialism, personally I call it Theft.

Now since those that voted for him have essentially given their approval of his plan to do this, then I think it is only fair that they be the ones to have it taken from them and given to those others that did not work for it. Of course those others that did not work for it also supported this plan so when they get their checks that they didn't work for, I think that they should have to share some of it with someone else that did not work for it, like maybe any illegal aliens in this country, maybe we could give it to them in the form of a one-way ticket back to their home country. If they want to come to our country, then they should do it correctly.

When you get to the point in your life where you entirely work for yourself and have to provide for your family, you will understand what I am saying. When you work for 18 hours a day and struggle to make a business thrive and grow, when you have spilt you blood, sweat and tears during hard times just to keep it running and your family fed, when you have had to explain to your wife why you can't go on vacation this year, when you have had to drive the same car for 10-12 years not because you love it but because you had no other choice, when you have had the business fail and you had to start all over again and face the same hardships another time, When you become disabled and can no longer continue the business you worked so hard to begin and have to change directions and begin again from scratch, when you see 40-50% of your savings wiped out because of a market turn due to mismanagement and abuse, when you see someone that is not working as hard as you or even work at all and does not pay taxes is going to get a check that comes out of money you have paid to the government and you are not, maybe then you will understand.

We have the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, not to the bank account of our neighbor or the spare room of his/her house. This country offers Opportunity to those that seek and will work for it and Opportunity is not to live at the expense of another, that is being a leech.

I am 58 and have worked for myself most of my life starting my first business when I was 12. I have worked from sun-up to sun-down and then come home to work another 4 hours on accounting, billing and taxes and what I didn't finish then I did on the weekend. I didn't even accept unemployment after I was discharged from the Marine Corps.

I have put myself and 2 kids through college on what I have worked my butt off to earn and save, and let me tell you I Deeply Resent anyone telling me that I have to give some of what I have earned to someone else instead of my family, and I don't care if they are Democrat, Republican or the Wicked Witch of the West, That is Socialism and that is not what our country was founded on.

If anyone thinks that Socialism is good, just compare the numbers of people immigrating to our country to the numbers immigrating to any Socialist country, that in itself should tell you something.

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IF anyone will recall Obama said on Thursday October 30th " We are 5 days away from "FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGING America." That is a very sobering statement. We will soon find out what that means.

I have many opinions on this as I'm sure we all do. But think about a fact that the president elect who has stated repeatedly during his election campaign the promise of "change." Is talking about "Fundamentally Changing America."

I won't express any of my opinions about where our country is and has been heading for quite some time. That is not my point.

Just think about this reality............ our next president wants to "Fundamentally change our country."

Those of us who know history and the fact that history always repeats itself ............. Nevermind I won't get started.


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If I am a business owner that has to pay higher taxes that were PROMISED by a candidate during an election I have a choice to make. Do I pass the cost along to the customer? Absorb it out of my profits? Do I lay someone off?

If the answer is the latter who should it be?

Discriminate? I would call it letting them reap what they have sewn!


PS. I think everyone is keeping this civil. I hope it stays that way. I like debate as long as no one gets hurt feeling. I have very thick skin. I know some do not.

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Post # 2 has been floating around for a while. I received 2 seperate emails on this within the last few weeks. The satire is obvious. But the point resonates with some people. I don't believe in laying people off for anything outside of someone not doing their job or the fact that the revenue stream is dryng up (for whatever reason.) Higher taxes and especially taxing small business is not good for any economy. I have several friends who have come to the US from places like Cuba, Hungary, Russia and other places....... It very interesting to hear what they have to say about the election, Taxation and where they think our country is heading.

I can assure you That our taxes will be going up over the next 4 years. You can't support the knid of  programs that Govco. and Fedzilla currently have in place and that are on the horizon and an over 1 trillion dollar financial bailout in a slumping economy without raising taxes. It just doesn't work like that. We may see a short term temporary tax breaks and a stimulus pkg. but that still needs to be paid for along with everything else. Our economic slow down won't generate that kind of tax revenue and the only logical place for Govco. to get the money to make up for it is out of our pockets.

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Those of us that pay the bulk of the taxes can not afford to pay any increase in taxes. There are very few things that will get us out of this. If he wants to fundamentally change America then get rid of the IRS and go to a fair tax situation. Get our troops out of the sandbox and put them on the Mexican border. Allocate $100 Billion by way of grants & incentives towards the ultimate alternate energy to sell to the world because we really have nothing left to market to the world. Not a bio fuel/solar/wind energy source but really something that is out of this world and return all those tariff's like I said above.

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Because of our economic problems and a new president who is seen as weak around the world, we are very vulnerable IMO to an attack by Al Queda.  What worries me more is Russia with all of this going on.  When communism disappeared from Russia and their economy hit the skids years ago, from what I have read they were not happy with how the USA did NOT help them with aid etc.  And believe me they remember that.  Russia felt humiliated at that time and would  love to return the favor if they could.  I can definitely see them getting aggressive perhaps with Poland and then dare us to intervene.
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Because of our economic problems and a new president who is seen as weak around the world, we are very vulnerable IMO to an attack by Al Queda.  What worries me more is Russia with all of this going on.  When communism disappeared from Russia and their economy hit the skids years ago, from what I have read they were not happy with how the USA did NOT help them with aid etc.  And believe me they remember that.  Russia felt humiliated at that time and would  love to return the favor if they could.  I can definitely see them getting aggressive perhaps with Poland and then dare us to intervene.

Putin, the KGB man, wants to be president again. He will be agressive towards us, that's for sure. Don't count out Israel invading Iran either. We may be staring at WWIII. Too much going on around the world for any new president. Especially one with no experience.
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Powertechvending22 wrote:

LOL because there are only ignorant people  on one side of this debate


It's not about ignorance on one side or the other, it's just about ignorance in general.

But I agree Peggy Joseph and everyone else has been Pranked.

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