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Credit card readers, rewards and loyalty programs


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I realize rewards and loyalty programs are a waste of time and effort for most smaller vendors, not to mention a potential administrative nightmare. However, it makes a lot of sense for a segment of my business, so I am trying to gather some road-tested knowledge from folks who know about these things.


So, what is your experience or knowledge of the existing solutions?


Physical cards (like USA Technologies MORE) are a hassle, but they are effective at reducing account number sharing, if people actually use them. Is the Air-Vend MORE experience any more difficult (more screen touches or card swipes) than the normal ePort experience?


MEI coupons seem good for refunds, giveaways, and subsidized purchasing, but are limited in their usage (no loyalty points accumulation). Has anyone here had much experience with these or other, similar coupons?


Are there any reward or loyalty programs based on an account number, NFC recognition, or credit card recognition?


I assume no one is big enough (economies of scale) or crazy enough (actually crazy) to start stamping cans, bottles, or snacks with unique coding (like My Coke Rewards). Or, are you?


If you use or have knowledge of any sort of rewards or loyalty program, what does it cost you in dollars and time?


Does anyone use prepaid programs at all?



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  • 3 weeks later...

I have contemplated using USA tech card rewards. I just could not justify paying extra for getting all the cards.

Maybe if things pick up a little bit more I might give it a try

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Alrighty, then.


I will assume everyone hates rewards programs.


Hates them so much, they will not even take the time to reply with the snark and disdain mustered for a Seaga post. ^-^



Actually, you can assume that no one has tried to use them yet or has looked into this option.  Otherwise you would have received some responses.  This forum is great about reporting real world usage of new things in vending so I would guess that this feature hasn't attracted any attention from veteran vendors here.

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