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Does anyone have any experience with NCAcrylics.com?  They are selling acrylic honor boxes with locating service.  Their cost is pretty high.  I notice charityvending.org does something similar but their boxes are one third the cost of the North Carolina company.

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I would suggest reading more on the forum. If you want a locator, do your homework before you hire one. Don't pay up front for any locating service and do the homework!

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Does anyone have any experience with NCAcrylics.com?  They are selling acrylic honor boxes with locating service.  Their cost is pretty high.  I notice charityvending.org does something similar but their boxes are one third the cost of the North Carolina company.

DON'T DO IT!  It's rip off.  Read my post about this and my $440.00 mistake

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You only want to buy the box and do the rest yourself. I am talking to nc acrylics now to make boxes for me because I am close enough to them to pick up. You can find a local to make boxes.

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