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Sorting and Weighing the money


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Ok, I'm getting tired of counting my quarters by hand.  I need to count them after each stop so that I can get an accounting of how much each location does.  I also have some locations where i pay commission so I need to count out the money right there.  So I'm looking for a better way to count my money.

I know about weighing the money and using an AccuCount scale built for this purpose, but I don't feel like shelling out the $200 for it just now.  So, I already have a battery powered electronic kitchen scale that gives the output in grams as well as ounces.  After much research, I found that the average quarter weighs 5.667 grams.  So I figure that I can weigh my quarters and divide by 5.667 to know how many quarters I have.  I then divide that number by 4 to get the dollar amount.  Easy as pie.


I always get other coins and trash in with the quarters.  So what I'm looking for now is a quick and easy way to sort out my coins.  I thought I remembered seeing a product that does this for you.  It was a stackable tray arrangement.  You pour your coins in the top, and they will drop through the various size holes in the stacked trays and when you are done you will have only quarters in the top tray, only nickels in the second tray, only pennies in the third tray and only dimes in the fourth tray.  The problem I am having is I cannot find such a product on any of the officemax type websites.  Does anybody know where I can get these or some similar item at?

I have also thought about making my own trays.  I can get some drill bits that would be the right size for the coins, and I can get some stackable plastic tupperware-type containers and drill holes in those.  But I would like to get something more professional if I can.  Does anybody know of what I'm talking about, and where to get them?

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Darryl, I have one of those things and it was a pain in the butt to use. Its just easier to pour your quarters into a shallow plastic container, swirl it around like you're panning for gold and pick out anything that is not a quarter.

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Darryl, I have one of those things and it was a pain in the butt to use. Its just easier to pour your quarters into a shallow plastic container, swirl it around like you're panning for gold and pick out anything that is not a quarter.

Thanks.  I'll prolly end up doing it that way anyways.
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Depending on the type of machine you are using look on the right side of the money pan and you will see most of the odd money before you dump it out. In most machines that have the fall through system this is the way it falls. Just a little thing I do.

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I count 1000's of quarters each month with an AccuCount scale with ease. I too got tired, real fast, of counting coins by hand at accounts that got commission. One thing I like about my machines is that they separate quarters from other coins. I think most mechs do that. When I open my machines to collect, I take out the odd change first and weigh the rest in seconds. It cost $200 but what a great tool to have with you. You will never want to count quarters by hand again.


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One thing I like about my machines is that they separate quarters from other coins. I think most mechs do that.


The machines I have now are mostly Oak Vistas and a few NW Super60's.  Neither of these models will separate quarters from other coins.  This is something I have never heard of.  My machines drop all coins, toothpicks, etc into the same bucket.  The only ones I have that don't have the problem with other coins are my two vistas that take dimes instead of quarters.  Dimes are the smallest US coin so all the others are bigger and therefor will not fit into the mech.

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Where can you get the accu count scale - this is exactly what I've been looking for.  


Here ya go Mark.http://www.acucount.com/acu101.htm


Acucount also gives VENDiscuss members a 10% discount. If you contact them make sure you tell them you are a member here.

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I only pay a few locations, so i count those, what i do with the rest is make my kids count, so they can be involved. we also use them to help service the accounts when they are not in school. i have actually had them go with me locating. my 10 year old daughter has scored some good locations. I start the conversation and share that these are her machines and what we do with charity and the like and then turn it over to her or my son. They kill it.

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To count I use a good digital scale and use a chart to convert.  It's pretty accurate, I don't have many issues with other stuff being dropped in my coin mechs except 1 location.  For some reason there is always a lot of dimes in that one, but hey I'll take dimes.......

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Clear your temp internet files or reset the cookie for this board then log back in and look at my avatar. Your computer is probably still showing you my old avatar because it's pulling it from your temp file.


EDIT: Nevermind, you see it now. ;)

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