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Is the price of toy based on location?


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I'm taking the plunge into toys. I'm thinking 25c BB is a safe place to start. What I want to know going forward is how yall decide to put certain priced toys at certain locations. For example, are certain places more appropriate for 25c toys and others for 50c, 75c, and 1$ toys? Is it better to mix different prices to give the customer an option?

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16 minutes ago, BouncyBalls said:

Capsule toys .50&$1

bouncy balls in interactive machine .50 or .25 in a rack

gumballs .25

if nothing sells pack your stuff up and find a new location. 

Your the rack guy on here. How do you find locations? How do you get them to take you seriously? I've placed 1 or 2 racks but find it very hard to find locations for them. Less yet that are interested in commission. Most places around here simply don't have the room for a rack.

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43 minutes ago, BouncyBalls said:

Capsule toys .50&$1

bouncy balls in interactive machine .50 or .25 in a rack

gumballs .25

if nothing sells pack your stuff up and find a new location. 

Okay what about locations where I only can fit a single or double head? Is it always best to do gumballs + 25c BB? Should I stick with the higher priced caps in racks only? What do you think about 25c caps?

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1 minute ago, Determined said:

Tennessee. A smaller town.  For racks I've tried restaurants, grocery stores, and resale stores. 

My candy racks are doing very well in bars. I'm using the highest margin candy and giving 20-30% commission. Also trying a candy rack at a truck stop as part of the new route. Restaurants and grocery stores are probably good options too. You might have to branch out pretty far from where you're located. We're 30 mins south of Charlotte and I have some good performing locations way up there in NC but they're worth the drive.

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21 hours ago, Determined said:

Tennessee. A smaller town.  For racks I've tried restaurants, grocery stores, and resale stores. 

What part of TN? I do great in TN. I know others that do well up there also. I'm not knocking you but it may be how you present the service to the location owner.  

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On the topic question.  Some will run certain price points no matter what. Some location higher price points will set for months. If your forced into lower price points due to the area or contact you need to do a mix.  Nice displays and sell left overs or stuff you can buy cheap.  The reversed situation is locations that are flooded with kids you can take advantage of the situation.  Take a movie theater for example.  I run 26.00 sticky and 27.00 rings on top at a buck.  13.00 bag stuff on the bottom.  And it does fantastic. 



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