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Newb in need of help.


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Hi all! I was scrounging around YouTube one day and came across a YouTuber named claw kicker. His video enticed me. Vending looks fun. As well as a great investment. So had a question for some that have been in the business longer than me. I have about $35,000 dollars I'm wanting to invest in the machines. I would like to buy at least 10 machines to get started. I had been looking at the saega snack/drink machines but I heard they were no good. Any advice on machines I should go for? Don't wanna start off making mistakes. Also not asking for direct numbers or anything but is it really worth it? I'm looking to eventually grow the number of machines as I profit. Any advice would be much appreciated!!! Live in south Texas in case you were wondering 

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I wouldn't classify vending as being "fun" but it has its advantages. If I were you, I'd keep as much of that 35k in my pocket and go on Craigslist or something and buy some 501e's for like $500-$600. Realistically, you're not going to get dynamite locations that warrant buying brand new machines straight out of the gate. 

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Every area is different, but most operators are shooting for 20% net excluding labor, so if you have 50K a year in sales you could be around 10,000 a year for your effort and investment if you do all the work yourself.  If you only sell 50K that number can be hard to hit because you are covering your fixed costs out of a very small stream of cash, it gets better as sales go up.  Any business has risk so there are no guarantees, but it can be done.  I jump started my business by finding a small existing route to buy and get experience.  I overpaid for the route (common error for a new operator) but worked thru the pain and started growing.  After about a year I had a good enough rep that I started getting some referrals.  Also got very lucky to meet an experienced operator who mentored me quite a bit.   If you are doing this as your second job, will you have some weekdays free to be out taking care of business?  A lot of locations are only accessable for service during normal business hours; that is also when you need to be out calling on locations for new business.   

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