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Taxes, texas


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Hey guys so im having trouble here. I called the sales tax comptroller as our school program now accounts for 80% of our total revenue. Its all smart snacks, which is non taxable snacks like baked chips, whole grain products. From my understanding is that you only pay tax on candy, cokes, etc but not food items. I called and they said i didnt have to pay taxes on it but i have to report it (obviously). Now i called them last week and the guy said i should pay the full sales tax to be on the "safe side". Wth is that? Safe side? Its either yes or no. 


Does anyone know the legal compliant way? None are in cafeterias either which i know usually affects what is taxed? Its thousands of dollars were talking about so we just wanna make sure.


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Check the taxing authorities website for allowed deductions.  You will then report your full sales and use the deductions to reduce the taxable amount.  You may also have to report to and pay sales tax to the cities the schools are in but the state may collect that as well.  Do your own research because any advice over the phone is not legal in any way and you'll likely get different answers as you've found out.  

For more definitive help from your perspective contact your Texas vending association, become a member and reap the vast knowledge they have about vending in Texas.


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