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Baxson Vending


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Well, I was going to post every location then I started thinking about that and that would have been to much effort. Instead I will post some numbers and projections from my route.

I checked machines that weren't on location for 30 days so I had some lower numbers, however, I estimated a daily amount and from there got to the monthly number. Overall, I am pleasantly happy with my numbers as this was my first time servicing my own route. I started to swap some candies out, and got a first hand look at what sells and what doesn't sell. I collected from 26 out of the 34 machines, I will service the remaining ones tomorrow. My route took me 7 hours and it spans over 80 miles.

Top 5 locations by revenue

1. Car dealership

2. Bank

3. Furniture Store

4. Kid's Clothing Store

5. Kid's sport store

Total Collected from 24 machines: $258.50 (Please remember 6 of my locations that I checked have only been on site for 5-10 days)

Projected monthly for 24 machines: $370

Projected Yearly: $4515

Projected Avg. Per location: $15.43

DI projected monthly for the 3 machines I checked: $70

Worst location: Auto shop on location for 26 days 1.75 - I am pulling that one this week!

I just got back from my trip of picking up my 21 oak machines for $500 and they look great. I will begin placing them this week and next. I also think I am going to purchase 10 more DI machines as those locations will be some of my higher revenue with football season rolling around. 

That's about it...

Happy Vending!

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No Casseri, I actually have a mixture of single, double, and triples. I will be converting some of my triple's to singles and doubles but for right now I am leaving it all put. I'm working on getting each of my machines in my garage out on location, but due to some horrible numbers I had to pull a few locations ie $1.75 at the auto shop :(.

My best performer, is a double head. I am still trying to nurse this route I just purchased due to the old seller completely blowing off his customers. So right now as it stands, I have cleaned up the machines, placed all new candy, stickers, and opened the vends all the way on all my locations. I hope to eventually grab a few in, and then slowly close the vends off as I see fit.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well thanks to my handy web application software tool I have built I can easily report my monthly numbers for everyone. Steve, I just need to get it live for you, then I want you to hammer away at it :)!

My top 5 locations are as follows(avg monthly revenue):

1. Restaurant - Dentyne Ice - $38.40

2. Bank - 1800 vending - 27.78

3. Furniture Store - 1800 vending - 25.99

4. Kid's Sport's Store - 1800 vending - 23.20

5. Apartment building - 1800 Vending - 22.50

Overall Monthly Stats for everything since today:

Average Monthly Revenue $472.41

Average Service Revenue $346.69

Average Daily Revenue $15.74

Number of Locations 48

I have not serviced 11 of my locations yet, just placed, so these numbers could go up or down. I have only been going since August, so my machines are just getting settled. If the last service is any prediciton of what is to come, my numbers should be shooting up!

Lastly, before everyone who loves triple heads see that my top 4 performers are 1800 vending please understand I make a majority of my profits from two heads. Typically, the 3rd head has nearly nothing in it. There are some exceptions, and these are my best performers, however, I could have easily accomplished these same numbers and saved a ton of money buy purchasing 3 single heads and putting them on a single stand. A majority of my triple heads average 10-12 a month, and I can't wait to break them down to single or double heads. However, to break them down I have to sell my machines, HUGE PROBLEM!!

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Great report! Very informative. I thought you forgot about us! ;) Looks like you are doing great. Can't wait to try out your app!

Keep these reports coming.


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No no, haven't forgotten about anyone just been so busy that it is hard to keep up!! Plus I have really been pouring a lot of time into my app, which is still a long way from being done, that I have had problems servicing my machines! But things are slowing down finally!

Pusherman, to answer your question I find that Dentyne Ice machines fit my areas. It is very hard for me to find people to take a regular candy machine, Oak, A&A, etc. However, I tell them Dentyne Ice and the walls come crashing down. I don't know what it is, or why but it took me forever to locate 8 double heads vs 12 Dentyne Ice Machines. I can you give you exact numbers once I fix my application to show me revenue by machine, but for right now the majority of my Dentyne Ice are within my top 20 locations with 3 of them in my top 10. Problem is my 3 locations in my top 10, I couldn't have gotten in there if they weren't DI machines.

I have found a cheap solution to getting around the DI machine purchase. The reps will sale the wheels($10) and you can purchase the Northwestern single head($61) form Sams club. Bags of gum are still $27, but they last awhile. I compete in some locations with regular machines, and I actually ran into a guy servicing his U-Turn at the same time and he told me his sales dropped quite a bit since I put my DI machine in the location. However, at the same time I have only pulled $2.50 out over 45 days and the bar was filled with about 300 people go figure huh!!

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wow, I am definitely going to look into the dentyne ice. Personally, i never buy candy from a vending machine, unless it's at work in the break room or something...but I would have to be pretty hungry. ......But if I saw a machine with Dentyne Ice, or Orbit or some kind of sugarfree gum, I'd be a frequent customer.

I'd like to just get some of those clear stickers on the Dentyne Ice machines, and put them on a cheap head, and maybe paint the body of it a nice color like that blue.

either way, great job Baxson, keep it up !

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wow, I am definitely going to look into the dentyne ice. Personally, i never buy candy from a vending machine, unless it's at work in the break room or something...but I would have to be pretty hungry. ......But if I saw a machine with Dentyne Ice, or Orbit or some kind of sugarfree gum, I'd be a frequent customer.

I see alot of the Altoids machines around.  There's one in my gym.  Would you ever buy from an Altoids machine?
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I also think I am going to purchase 10 more DI machines as those locations will be some of my higher revenue with football season rolling around. 

How much are you getting the DI machines for?  Are you buying them from the vendor, or are you buying the wheels and putting them in a NW?

Spears Latamore of DI did alot of talking about DI in the BVA board.  It seemed to me that the price of the prodcut was way too prohibitive to make any money on.  I also remember there being an issue of the DI's not vending properly.  Do you see that problem?

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wow, I am definitely going to look into the dentyne ice. Personally, i never buy candy from a vending machine, unless it's at work in the break room or something...but I would have to be pretty hungry. ......But if I saw a machine with Dentyne Ice, or Orbit or some kind of sugarfree gum, I'd be a frequent customer.

I see alot of the Altoids machines around.  There's one in my gym.  Would you ever buy from an Altoids machine?
yeah, probably. I've never seen altoids in a vending machine. I love strong mints or long lasting gum, makes my cigarette's taste better (menthol smoker). I actually started chewing gum to help quit, now I smoke more and chew 2 packs of orbit a day :(
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Ok, as I add more features to my application I can provide more numbers for everyone. I have only entered my Dentyne Ice and 1-800 Vending machine thus far. I will be adding my double head locations when I work out a couple of bugs with my software :).

Ok, so for anyone interested in the Dentyne Ice machine here are some numbers to compare. I serviced another 6 machines yesterday, and now my top two locations are both Dentyne Ice machines.

Machine Name                          Daily Average              Monthly Average  

Dentyne Ice(Single Head)         $.47                              $14.02

1800 Vending(Triple Head)       $.47                             $14.22

Now, I have about 3 Dentyne Ice locations that are absolutely horrible locations and I will be switching a single head of chiclets or gumballs there. However, my other locations are performing wonderfully!

Any questions please ask, and I will be adding the double heads very soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey T-Bird, as we speak I am working on it :). I am hoping to have something useable, meaning not all features will be there, but at least people can start to enter data and see their progress within the next few weeks.

I use it everyday for my route, but I know what to click and not to click :) so it's easier for me. But it's close, and I know from some of the feedback I have recieved that everyone is going to really enjoy it especially the future plans I have for it and the direction I will be taking the application.

I'll send you a message as soon as I go live, and will definately give you a great deal!

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