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Buyer Beware…. Remorse…..

Harry K

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Hi everyone. 

I have had the pleasure to speak to some of you and from some recent conversations I want to make you all aware of what I call Buyer Beware… Remorse, to possibly help prevent others from experiencing the same.

1. When upgrading, some companies may be locking you into 5 year contracts, meaning if you ever wanted to switch for whatever consumer reason you might have, you cannot with paying a substantial financial penalty.

Nayax? Everything is month to month. Dissatisfied for some reason and want to leave, no fear, and just give 30 days notice. 

Morale of the story? Always ask in writing before upgrading - if you decide to leave within 5 years, can you, clear and free without any penalty? If you recently upgraded you might be surprised when you find out as others have.

2. Are your customers being charged a preauthorization charge? For example, if they are buying a $1 candy bar are they being charged a $1 initially after purchase or will they see a higher amount that will go away after several days? That can be very confusing to customers. 

Nayax? Transactions are made in pre-selection meaning customers are immediately charged exactly what they bought

Morale of the story? Why put this extra level of confusion on your customers.  

You see my role below. There are sales people and there are educators that simply ask everyone to check everything out themselves. Don’t make assumptions. Seek out information. Call all companies. Ask questions to everyone. It’s the only way a businessman who plans on being in business 5 years from now can grow with more certainty. 

I am happy as always to assist anyone in any way.

Have a great weekend.

Text or call me - 410-302-9015
Email me - harry@Nayax.com

Harry Kozlovsky
Senior Director of Solution Sales, Nayax




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Hmmm, throwing other suppliers under the bus is questionable forum etiquitte.  You can certainly encourage buyers to investigate terms of a relationship but not by touting your own terms when no question was asked.  You're going too far, Harry.  Let the buyer beware.

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Hi AZ. 

I hear you and am sorry you perceive it as throwing vendors under the bus. That was and is not the intent whatsoever. I mentioned no vendors by name and I made it very clear that operators should call everyone to do their own diligence.  Education and information is power and operators deserve it as in any business. With all information and calling everywhere they can make educated decisions. Why should anyone be concerned to have operators educated and asking them to reach out to all? What a wonderful approach. 

Have a great weekend everyone. 


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Hi  Nayax Harry.

Good tip on the month to month. We use Cantaloupe, our main gripe wouldn't be any of the above but with charge backs.  They have no mechanism to respond to any disputed charges, they don't even notify you. If a customer disputes a charge it is automatically refunded. So of course people have figured this out and are cleaning out our machines then disputing the charges. We are out $700.00 last month and its only going to get worse as more people catch on.  What is the Nayax policy on this?

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Hi Rick98.

Thanks for reaching out.

I can only speak about Nayax. I won’t deal with other specific company policies. I always suggest customers speak to their company with any issues. 

Nayax has offered an EMV certified reader both chip (contact) and tap (contactless) in the US for over 4 years. No chargebacks using full EMV readers. Why has Nayax offered this while other companies just now are offering it? We engineer our own equipment and do it for 60 countries. We therefore control our own technology. That’s not a small distinction to our operators. Many other companies selling readers outsource purchasing their equipment meaning it’s not their own equipment. Additionally, we support and are EMV certified in over 60 countries as most countries outside the US have been requiring EMV for many many years long before the US did. 

Have a great weekend. 

Harry Kozlovsky
Senior Director of Solution Sales, Nayax Harry@nayax.com 410-302-9015 



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