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Vendo V540 Pepsi Vending motor installation

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Hello all. I am new to this forum so I hope I am not duplicating or posting a question in the wrong area.  I own a Pepsi Vendo V540 with 10 selections/columns.  It's for personal use in my game room and set to "FREE".  I found that one of the columns was showing SOLD OUT even with product in the column.  I checked continuity on the sold out switch and that was good.  This next step is where made my issue worse.  I swapped motors from a working column to the "SOLD OUT" column to rule out the motor assembly.  Turns out the motor is good, however, I have no clue how to align the pin with the vend bucket to get it to dispense correctly.  I now have two columns that are not working now because I'm clueless on how to align the motor to the vending bucket.  Does anyone have guidance or possibly a document or video I can reference?  I'm thinking the motor needs to be rotated to align correctly with the vend bucket but I'm not sure.

Also I found that I actually had two columns that show "SOLD OUT"  when pressing the button even though both have cans in the columns.  The only commonality is that both columns have a violet wire that's part of the wire harness.  I'm sure there's a clue there, but I've traced the violet wire continuity from both motor connectors all the way back to door circuit board connector and I have continuity.  Do I possibly have a bad board?  This happened after the power "blipped" off/on in my neighborhood and I'm thinking possibly some electronics were damaged or maybe the programming on the machine was messed up for those two columns?  I'm fairly technical and work on classic arcade and pinball machines so I have some troubleshooting background.


If anyone want's to see my game room I have this pepsi machine located here's a link:



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Hello All.  In the process of troubleshooting this "SOLD OUT" issue, it appears that by reseating the connector on the PCB in the door that the issue has resolved itself.  I'm now left with trying to understand how to align the motor to the vend bucket.  If anyone could provide guidance I would greatly appreciate.  Thank you.

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There are only 2 positions the rotor can be in with each being 180 deg off from each other. Take the motor off and rotate the rotor 180 and it should be back where it needs to be. While the motor is off you'll notice that the rotor only turns clockwise due to the gate link that rides on the front eccentric of the rotor. Your power glitch caused the logic board to send power to one/some motors taking them off home and causing the sold out messages. When this happens you only need to open and close the door or press and hold the door switch which forces the logic board to home any motors that are off-home.

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Thank you for the guidance!  I was able to get the motors homed and working again.  I'd like to say it was pure skill, but I think I got lucky!   Appreciate the response to my inquiry.  This seems like a good community.

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