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What is going on with this machine? 🤣

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Hey guys! Recently picked up a snack machine and its awesome. Got some issues tho. I'm canadian also so we use coins more then bills in our machine's 

1. The coin mech is messed up I'm pretty sure. So it only takes more then $2. Once I put more then $2 in the machine it drops it to the coin return slot. Not matter what kind of money I put in after $2 it goes to the coin slot. The coin slot also doesn't recognize 30% of my coins.

2.the bill accepter only accepts our old style of bills. I think I need to contact the company and get some sort of software update to recognize the old bills but any canadians done this before? Is it worth getting it up and running? 

3. The bill accepter won't work unless the coin mechs unplugged. Its all been refurbished to do MDB but like I said. When the coin mechs plugged it the bill accepter does nothing. Any idea why this might be?

Really hoping to get this fixed as I have a location ready for it just need it get it fixed. Gonna try putting a good coin mech inside the machine friday to see if that fixes anything. Would love some input tho on this



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Both the coin mech and bill acceptor are out of tune or need software updates by a repair depot.  Try giving us the model number of the snack machine so we have an idea of whether you're wasting time and money or not.

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So... now what? Is it trash? Like did I screw myself over? I paid $500 cad which is like 400usd for it so I mean not like I killed myself for it but also isn't cheap. What can I do. Should I just say screw it and buy a coin mech and put it in? Like what would you do? 


What good snack machines can I buy that wont cost me 4k. What good brands? Same for pop? What good brands for pop and snacks?

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It’s probabaly a maka 110v acceptor. Junk.

I don’t even know if a Mars to maka would work on this machine. Btdt. Just ended up scrapping the whole thing.

good news is, by selling the control board and display panel , you might make most of your money back. That is if it’s the type I’m thinking.

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It's not wasting money if all you want is a good working coin mech.  My understanding is that bill acceptors are kind of useless in Canada so just get a coin mech for it and put it in service.  Don't try MDB or credit cards because it isn't worth that even if you could do the conversion.

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Yeah canada bill accepters suck. We have $1 and $2 coins so there is no bills except 5+ it came with it but honestly I just want the machine working. Gonna take the coin mech from my good machine and test it in this machine. If everything works good I'll get another one. If not then I'm scraping it. I'll part stuff out for people

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