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Bev Max 4HC

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Thank you, I have a few Bev4 Classics of my own, but this is the first HC I've used. Crazy thing is this machine came "refurbished" from Pepsi. Hasn't even been used yet, I was just doing some testing before I put it in the field. Do you know if there is a way to tell if this is the issue without ordering new parts? Error codes or something of that nature?

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Yes, they own it, but the agreement I have with them is I fix the equipment and they send me the parts for free. I have some stackers with them, this was the first glass front. I suppose I can just call service department and tell them what is happening and see what parts they suggest. You guys on this thread tend to have better information than some of these companies. 

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Many Pepsi bottlers have gone that direction starting back in the late 90s.  It's dumb on their part as it costs them way too many parts that don't end up being used on their machines.  How many leased machines do you have with them?  It used to be only large vendors that could store spare assets off location as you are doing.  Calling them and having them send the parts is a good idea but getting advice here first is smart.

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The noise you're hearing from the cup when you close the door is most likely the Y motor trying to home the cup because it doesn't see the home switch on the bottom of the cup for some reason.  The cup is obviously already in the home position, so the gear that turns the Y belt just spins and forces itself over the stationary teeth on the belt which can't move because the cup can't move.  That spinning gear over the belt teeth is what makes that noise you hear. 

You have a BevMax Refresh model, which is relatively new, and I haven't ever physically worked on one yet.  They are similar in a lot of ways to the classic BevMax 4, so I would make the same recommendations.  Try the picker cup first (soda syrup in the bottom switch on the cup can interfere with internal connectivity on it and cause this problem), if that doesn't fix it, inspect your harnessing on the vertical arm very carefully for damage or other problems, then replace the Y motor board on the top-left corner of the machine.

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There is a process for testing the cup switches within the Factory Diagnostics portion of Test Mode in your programming.  That process uses a combination of display readout and lights on the control board to indicate which switches are present and their open/closed position.  Describing those tests in detail here would take a lot of writing, so I would recommend you read the manual I linked to below, and maybe call Crane directly and have them run through those things with you.  1-800-628-8363


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