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Lets Cry In our Beer Fellow Locators


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Have you ever wanted to reach into a telephone and just pull one of your clients right thru the phone so you could smack them right up the side of the head.  Here is how I have spent 2 hours of my Saturday.

My client installed 4 machines in one account almost 3 and a half weeks ago.  One of the machines went into the office area with 30 people  That machine as expected is not a big earner.  I cautioned the vendor to pick up a smaller cheaper drink machine.  I also gave him a big discount on the fee to offset what I said would be a slow unit.  All of this is spelled out in my email to him.  So he puts in a Dixie 501 because he said he needed the space in his warehouse.

This Monday he is installing 4 more machines in a factory with about 130 employees.  He tells me he doesn't want to pay the location fee on that one until he sees how it is going.  You know I am not broke, it isn't going to deplete my savings to wait awhile on this one BUT he followed this statement with a request to get him some more locations like these two because this is just the type of accounts he wants for his business. And he is sooooo glad he found us.

So my fellow locators...I am hoping you are having a better day.

Blue Moose 

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I have been working on inventing a device for the last few years.  You hook it up to your phone, push a button AND ZAP!  Just like a police tazer the guy on the other end is knocked to the ground.  Unfortunately, it works about as good as the STAPLES east button!

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Good O'll Blue!  What a story. 

I've had those days.  I've had the days where you just want to stay in bed and cry. 

I do believe it is my responsibility to make clients happy.  And when we run into problems like you I often blame it on myself for doing something wrong instead of blaming the client.  In the end your customer can only work around the experience you provide them.

I do feel your pain though!



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I have this idea in my head that I should live up to my agreements.  I let that run over into my business and I have come to realize not everyone feels that way. Sometimes they change the agreement without telling me.

This client just missed out on a very nice 220 plus employee mfg in his area.  He really would have been the best vendor for the job as far as equipment and service but I can't trust him now.  I just dislike working with people I can't trust...its no fun and frankly I am just to old and cranky to do it anymore.

I work better with people that are just honest.  A guy just called on on a account I sent him to and he said, "this place was really crap, are you having a bad day".....it made me laugh out loud...and then he said, "But I have a cash for clunkers machine I can put in there".


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