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When you know you have established a good relationship with location


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Serviced a small restaurant the continually does $70+ a month yesterday (charity triple w/ candy), talked to the owner about putting a rack in for 25% commission.  His response, ok but I don't want to get in your pocket.  Assured him that with the rack and vending toys and stickers at a higher price point I would be able to swing it.


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Its already in my dining room. Went to jacksonville yesterday and picked up a whole truck load of stuff at an insane price then woke up this morning and decided to try my keys in some of the machines and I opened one and got a nice surprise, $47 bucks.  Man I love this stuff!

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Heres a 7 head that was part of the deal I did yesterday.  The sticker head was off and from it being outside in the back of my truck then brought inside in the A/C it fogged up a little on the far left, top head (nothing on the plastic).  The NW 60's are the louvered ones and everythings in excellent condition.  Got a ton of machines and product for $200 + 63 (gas) + 10 (lunch, drinks and a snack) = 273 - 47 (quarters found in one of the machines) = $226 grand total


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