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How many spare wheels do you like to have?


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Ordering the machines with the wheels you think you'll need is probably the best idea... BUT, I can't predict everything accurately, only anticipate needs.

For every X amount of machines, how many extra gumball / candy / capsule wheels do you like to have around as spares if you need to swap them out?

I ordered a few machines with gumball wheels but I haven't found any locations yet that will allow gumballs... I'm finding my extra capsule wheels to come in handy.

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make sure you have spare coin mechs too depending on what you might change your product to. For example, I bought a spare wheel with my order of NW Super 80's, so I can effectively change one of them to vend 1" caps instead of 2" caps if I need/want to. However I didn't think to get a damn 25 cent coin mech! So I'd have to be vending some pretty good 1" toys that kids would pay 50 cents for. Just something to keep in mind.

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Good point.  I want to pick up some of those side-by-side 50 cent mechs for my NW 60 machines, but for some reason they aren't listed on the price lists that NW sent me the other day.  Any idea what their price is?

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You can not have too many.  I have about 50 extra wheels and brushes and about 30 extra mechs.  Also have extra  of just about everything.  Especially coin wheels, coin dogs, and springs,globes.

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make sure you have spare coin mechs too depending on what you might change your product to. For example, I bought a spare wheel with my order of NW Super 80's, so I can effectively change one of them to vend 1" caps instead of 2" caps if I need/want to. However I didn't think to get a damn 25 cent coin mech! So I'd have to be vending some pretty good 1" toys that kids would pay 50 cents for. Just something to keep in mind.

Does this mean you are selling 1" caps out of a super80?

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Yes, when I bought my first order of NW Super 80's, I wanted to be versatile so I got a 1.1" wheel with it in case I ever wanted to try some 1.1"capsule toys. I was thinking about doing those mania toys with the internet codes for one thing. I also got a couple of 75 cent mechs in case I decided to up prices on some toys, or to try some more expensive toys, and I got a spare 50 cent mech so that if I ever have one jam, break, etc I can just swap it out and take the damaged one home to diagnose/repair/replace without having a machine be out of order.

In the end I ordered a bunch of oak machines from westlake and many of them are to vend 1.1" toys so I don't need the 1.1" wheel for a super 80 right now but I still figure it's good to have spare parts. Hey, even if the wheel in one of my 2" super 80's broke, in a pinch I could swap it with the 1.1" wheel and put 1.1" toys in the machine just to keep in operational until I could get a replacement 2" wheel.

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