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help please- how to upgrade single head locations?


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Sorry I couldn't fit all of what I was trying to ask in the subject line.

The full question is, what should I do if I have locations that are doing great with a single head charity machine, but really don't have the space to support a rack? If they had the space, I'd try to pitch them on putting a rack in, but if they don't, it seems difficult to sell the idea of converting the machine to commission, because on one head the commission probably won't be significant to the business owner (here's your 5-10 bucks every month... right...)

I could try adding another single head to some of these places, but I feel like it would look sloppy/disorganized. I could get plates to join to heads onto one larger stand, which I suppose would help me maximize profit in smallish locations in order to make a commission worthwhile - but then the issue is varying my products with the equipment I've got. Right now I'm using NW Super 80's, and I would like to be able to have like a 2-head setup where one head vends 2" toys and the other head vends gumballs or rubber bounce balls, something like that. But filling a NW Super 80 with gumballs would be ridiculous, they'd go stale and it would probably be insanely heavy. And I do not know of any setup that will allow you to put different size machines together (like a NW Super 80 and a NW Super 60, or a big oak with an Oak 450, etc etc.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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I'm considering trying the "high five" setup but I'm worried it might still be too big for some spots. If they made a slightly smaller version with like one super 80 in the back and two super 60s in front that would be perfect for small locations.

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I have 20 oak vista 450s on the way with plates to configure them as doubles, so I could put one of those in, but I question whether a double head setup with say, 1 head of gumballs and 1 head of 1.1" toys, would really make more money than a single Super 80 with 2" toys.

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That's a great idea! Does anyone know of another place that sells these, perhaps more reasonably? It looks like it's going to cost me $45 shipping per stand from that site, which makes the cost about $88 a piece. That's a bit too much for this.

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That's the page I got to when I looked myself, and I can see stands but they are all either pipe stands to hold 1 or 2 machines next to each other, or full racks.

You could go with an A&A step stand-18.   It will hold one super 80 on top and 2 super 60s on the bottom.

I don't see anything like that  :(

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Well you had me confused for a minute but I think I know what your looking for. After clicking on the link to get to the racks, look at the pictures and decide what design you want (chrome,black,etc). AS an example take the first one to the far left-chrome rack. See where it states "click for options"-do that and then scroll down to see all the configurations.You'll even see machines sitting on them.

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I posted this about a year and a half ago.  It's a NWS80 flanked by two vista/po89 small panel head machines.  They are mounted on a 4"x24" piece of lumber from lowes.  The board is painted black and holes drilled to attach the machines and to attach it to the pipe flange.

This might work for you.

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You can get the small step stand suited for 3 heads from the suppliers below for a reasonable price.  You can also mount 3 heads on a triple plate, but I personally would only use the larger (husky) two inch pipe for that purpose.  I only buy the triple plates from NW, the Chinese ones are too flimsy and will bend!  Also, avoid J Stands, the flanges almost never tighten properly!  I am ready to pitch a few J's myself.






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Here's another idea you can use.  Kyle Guth posted this picture in a yahoo group a few years ago.  I don't know how he mounted them like that, but you can prolly use your imagination.

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Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you I was doing a route this week that keeps me on the road for nearly a week when i run it.  First of all look at the locations that you want to up grade to a rack.  Are these locations that you would normally see a rack if so then i would go for it.  I guess im just saying just because a locatios sells lots of gum and candy it wont always sell toys  just as well.  Example you wouldnt place a rack in a jiffy lube.  Some one made a post saying to keep the machine that you have now charity and pay commision only on the new one.  Bad idea you dont want it to apear to the owner that your getting over on him. also its always best to keep it simple treat both machines on the same schedule.  start with the basic toys nouncy balls sticky etc.  and one inch hit them at .50

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a location that has very little room, and I wanted to experiment with putting in more machines without taking up alot of room.  I've seen other people doing this so I wanted to try one myself.  I had to experiment a little.

Here's what I came up with.  I got a threaded rod from Lowes and I found that the standard rods are 1/4"-20 (in case anybody wanted to know).  I got one that was 3' long.

I took a PN95 and took out the old rod, and put in my new one.  I had to thred it down into the pipe stand by about 4 inches so that it wouldn't be too long.  Then I put a vista300 on top of it, threading it on the rod just like normal.  Screwed it down tight with the lock and voila!

Some things I would do different.  I'd swap the 24" pipe for a 18" pipe to make it shorter.  I'd also put some screws into the lid of the PN95 so that they would fit into the holes in the bottom of the vista300.  That way they would be locked together.

Anyways, they seem pretty solid.  I tried to see if I could twist them to see if they would come apart, and I couldn't do it. 

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I like the creativity.  But that looks a little dangerous and possibly a law suit waiting to happen!  Sorry to say.  Kids don't just use the machine, they play with it and something like that looks like it could tip over too easy if there is horse play.  Be careful where you place it.

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Guest ontheballvending

I agree with Profits, the J Stand may be your solution if the space will allow for it.  If you have photos of your machine placement, that would be very helpful.

Have a great day !!  Scot

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Guest ontheballvending


I have some boxes out here of the Wooden Stands, and let me see if there is a contact phone number on the box, or address.  I saw these for sale

earlier this week somewhere, and I will research this item, and let you know what I find out.  Normally about $20 plus shipping.    However, I do not like the

Wooden Stands, as the Bolt/Nut in the Center of the Mount underneath of the machine does eventually get loose, and the Top Head is spinning Freely

on the Wooden Stand.  They just seem to get really loose or not sturdy after about 12 months of Service.  I need less stuff to be concerned about, not

more issues.  Have a great day, and get ready for the heat wave.      Scot

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I cannot encourage you enough to ask owners about upgrading.  The route that I purchased on the day I did the route with with the former owner. One of the location owners asked me to put in candy machines. So I did.  Another Location has a vendstar that has had 2 empty heads.  I asked the owner of the business and she agreed to a small 4 head rack, another Laundromat I located one machine. a ball and toy machine at a couple months ago. Has given me the go ahead to put what ever I like in there. I am thinking a video game long term.I found a guy that has a multi cade for 300 bucks , The toy and joy I was going to put there ended up at another New location  that is a Laundromat I have to put snack drink also, but have a line on another  Toy and Joy 5 head I can pick up for 25 bucks to go to the first laundromat. Craigslist is where I have been finding deals Older vendors have been the most help It is amazing what they will share as you talk. I have been having more fun hunting deals on machines. So have fun upgrade a way ;D

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