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Chewy Sprees


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I went to pick up a case of runts today and my candy distributor was trying to push these chewy sprees. He gave me a bag to sample them to see if I liked how they taste. They were pretty good. I would like to know if anybody has ever vended these chewy sprees? If so how well did they do and what type of wheel do you use (for oak machine)?

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I went to pick up a case of runts today and my candy distributor was trying to push these chewy sprees. He gave me a bag to sample them to see if I liked how they taste. They were pretty good. I would like to know if anybody has ever vended these chewy sprees? If so how well did they do and what type of wheel do you use (for oak machine)?

I wonder if there is any similarity to Skittles.

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Chewy Sprees are the 2nd best selling candy on my route..Mike and Ike are #1..I move over 100 cases of Chewy Spree per yr..Give them a try..

Do you have any issues with the Spree clumping up in the summer time? I eventually want to have just one all-purpose non-chocolate candy for all ages. It's been a race between either Spree or Runts. I was learning towards Runts, but now your post is making me reconsider.

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Where is the best place to buy sprees?

I have been asking the same question. The best I have found so far is A&A at $65 per case of 7700. So figure about $85 with shipping. So a five piece per vend would render 1540 vends per case or 5.5 cents cost per vend - a bit higher than I would like. Plus not even sure if 5 pieces is a fair vend amount or not. Of course A&A may have a volume discount to get the costs down. Sure wish Quill would stock it!

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