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Floridas new govenor


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When we thought we couldn't get a worst governor then Charlie Crist in comes Rick Scott. This dude is an idiot. Hes proposing that state correctional officers go from a 100% state paid pension to paying 5% of our own retirement, now thats not the idiotic part. He also wants us to go from paying $2160 a year for health insurance to over $9900 a year, keep in mind this is on like a $30,000 salary. Also keep in mind they haven't given us a raise in 5 years either, which is understandable due to this economy. If he ever manages to pull this off I hope theres enough national guardsmen to fill the void of several thousand officers quitting, if not I hope you floridians are gun owners. Look I understand Correctional Officers are the ugly step children of law enforcement that the public views as badge toten bullies that violate these poor innocent inmates rights but keep in mind we are the ones that keep the worst of the worst (murders, rapist, child molestors, etc.) confined between some fences with nothing but radios and some pepper spray. Looks like I might have alot more time to devote to vending if this does go through.

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Its bad here too. I pay 100% of my pension and $4800 for insurance. I haven't had a raise since Mar 2002. Good thing I have bulk vending to fall back on. :rolleyes:

A little humor there mainor, very little.

Hope it turns out alright for you.

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