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Where are they now?


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Here is some info on a few members that used to frequent our forum. I wonder why they don't check in anymore?

Enjoy. grin.gif



including 8 months of home detention, and ordered to pay $1.4 million in restitution
including 8 months of home detention, and ordered to pay $91,752 in restitution

Ummm, they can't afford a computer after scamming the vending industry. LMAO

Thanks for the updates, Steve. These low lifes got what they deserved.

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good information! what were their usernames on the forum? I would be interested to read their comments, or was that used to help indict them?

The only one that I remember off the top of my head is Gary Luckner, his screen name here is (was) glucks.

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Looking at his posts, it seems like his thing was to really really push the product, and not talk about the bizop. The product wasn't even his, he was just a reseller. He was just using it as a vehicle for him to sell his bizop machines.

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