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What have you put up with to get a location?


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I was to meet a manager of a local restaurant on Tuesday but he was a no show. That was fine as I called him and rescheduled, then today he was there but would be right down. After waiting about an hour of "He'll be right here." I finally saw him. He ducked back into his office right as he saw me. Another 1/2 hour went by and the cashier finally answered me with a straight answer "He's not coming. I'm very sorry, he's very busy in meetings." Meetings for a restaurant?

I'm writing that one off, which was no big deal but he sounded interested and asked to meet me. How far have you guys gone for a location or do you just walk if they start being weird? I'm not comfortable leaving machines in a place that would act like that anyway so it's not really an issue, just wasted time.

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When I first started I would've probably done the same thing. Later, when time became precious, all I wanted was a yes or no. I'd run in, ask if I can place a machine, and expect an answer in 2 seconds. If it was anything other than "Yes", I was out of there and on to the next one.

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I'm a bit too patient. I was about to leave, but the assistant manager made a point of coming out. It really shouldn't be that hard for them to see the machine and decide, but out here in SoCali I get a lot of that.

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I think that is a topic that is not discussed enough. I think where you live is a major variable in how successful you can be in vending. Some people just need to leave the state that they live in. I am not trying to offend anyone, but I believe certain states are bulk vending friendly and some are not.

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Maybe some states just require more sweet talk? So far I haven't found any interested in commission, but charity opens doors in So.Cali. Every single time I've been asked to meet with managers and show off machines to see if they'd "fit" their decor.

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When I have a feeling its going to be a good location and their is no other vending there, I will call, go by location, whatever it takes to get that yes or no. Do not give up on a potential gravy location. Go back another time.

That's the thing, what makes you think it's gravy? A mall or large family restaurant is about all I would consider "gravy". My experience is too limited to be able to judge these smaller spots well. This is actually a Mexican restaurant.

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mexican restaurants usuall do well.assuming this is a mom and pop shop it is unlikely he was in a meeting let alone two. corporations may have meetings,district manager with the managers or whoever for example.he knows what you are there for and he clearly ignored you,he could have chaNGED his mind about the machine and didnt have the balls to tell you.

what kind off ******* makes someone wait an hour anyways,just to ignore hime some more after that?

when trying to get a location I always go in and get a menu as an excuse to go in and check to see if theres room,how many other machines are in there,take a look around .as sugested it is a very good idea to eat there.take a picture of what you are trying to put in the location.I am going to have a copy of my insurance,pictures of available machines and a business card with me to give potential locations next time I do some serious locating.I am also working on a mexican restaurant.they say they dont want a machine but deep down inside I know they do.

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I have one restuarant that took 5 visits to get. I always went in during the slow time between 2 and 4. On one visit, I waited an hour and the waitress felt so bad that she gave me a free drink! But in my case, the GM was not trying to hide from me. She was simply busy dealing with other critical issues. This was an ideal place for a rack and was not a corporate chain, so I did not want to give up. I had a very good feeling that she would say "yes" once I was able to meet with her. And sure enough, the rack went right in. She even appologized for not meeting up with me the last few times. I guess if you think the location has potential AND the descision maker is not playing any games with you, then the wait is worth it. Good spots are getting harder to find for sure.

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You want all the Mexican Restaurants you can get..........my best one just did $420.00 in 5 weeks when I serviced it today, and it is nothing fancy.

when this happens it's hard to hide your excitement! I dont want the location owners to see me pee my pants!

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when this happens it's hard to hide your excitement! I dont want the location owners to see me pee my pants!

You still wet your pants? I don't know if I should come visit you or not. I guess I could bring some Pampers with me. :o

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You still wet your pants? I don't know if I should come visit you or not. I guess I could bring some Pampers with me. :o

big mouth!

when I sold medical equipment we sold some adult briefs called "go aheads" hopefully Im never gonna need to go ahead!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to an ice cream shop today but at the location was another restaurant that was closed. The sign said that the restaurant would be open at 10, but it was 10:45 and closed. So I drove around for another :45 to try to find the ice cream shop. Finally got my wife to Google map and tell me what the building looked like in the picture. It WAS the restaurant.

I waited another 2.5 hours in my hot car until someone showed up to open the restaurant. Turns out that it's now a restaurant/ice cream shop...even better to me. I didn't even mention that the manager gave me the wrong name on the phone (he gave me their old name), or that he said he'd be there at 10-10:30 and now it was 2:30. I just smiled and thanked him for allowing the NCCS charity machines in his place. It was worth waiting for the location, though I was mighty sweaty when I got home.

Best part is that I think he understood that the toy machines will actually bring in more business to his ice cream / restaurant. First location down, 1000 to go. ;)

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Nice job, persistence pays off. This may be a great place for a rack, before someone else gets the idea.

Thanks, I was thinking rack but we'll see how this goes. I think I'd need to turn it into commission first before he's allow more machines in the space. I would if I were the owner considering a rack would mean moving tables closer together which could annoy customers. I am looking at each site the same, come in with a couple charity machines, see how they do and then decide whether it's worth pursuing a commission/rack. My main biz is still the conventions but these locations will give me something to do during the week and off season.

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