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Liability insurance?


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  • 3 months later...

How many of you have insurance? And can you recommend a good carrier for bulk vending?


The amount you are charged will be based on your annual income from your bulk business. I pay $16.25 per month. This amount will increase once my income goes past $10,000 per year. This is for liability only. It does not cover theft.

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The amount you are charged will be based on your annual income from your bulk business. I pay $16.25 per month. This amount will increase once my income goes past $10,000 per year. This is for liability only. It does not cover theft.


That is what my insurance provider told me. If I am false, then I need to have a talk with Wells Fargo.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The LLC is meant to protect your personal assets........Liability Ins. will protect your business(hopefully) in the event a kid chokes on gumball or machine falls on grandma and other crazy stuff like that. The reason I purchased ins is I had a Pizza place owner (6 locations) request it before I could place a machine in their restaurants.


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Is there any reason to carry liability insurance if you are operating your business under a LLC?

The LLC should protect you personally if there is a problem, but you could still lose all of your business assets if you get into trouble. Insurance will protect your business from such issues. Like others have said it may also be required to get some locations as they do not want to think they have any liability issues with you vending there. Having insurance is also a very good tool to land some locations. It can give you and edge and possibly one more thing that your competition may not have. I know that in starting a business and paying for insurance and all of the other needed items it seems like one more expense you don't need, but it is really needed whether you have 1 machine or 1000. It just is more cost effective the more machines you have.

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  • 1 month later...

The LLC should protect you personally if there is a problem, but you could still lose all of your business assets if you get into trouble. Insurance will protect your business from such issues. Like others have said it may also be required to get some locations as they do not want to think they have any liability issues with you vending there. Having insurance is also a very good tool to land some locations. It can give you and edge and possibly one more thing that your competition may not have. I know that in starting a business and paying for insurance and all of the other needed items it seems like one more expense you don't need, but it is really needed whether you have 1 machine or 1000. It just is more cost effective the more machines you have.

I agree insurance is important to protect you personally and with your business. On these insurance quotes do they all cover your machines from theft or V&MM. Those prices seem very very good.


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