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gumball machine


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1.Can someone look at this picture and tell me what model number this is & how much I should pay for it? I would also like suggestions for where to purchase the actual gumballs and if it matters what size gum balls go into this machine. Thanks.


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2. Does anyone know how to post pictures from a memory card that is inside of a cell phone? I had to send it to myself via e-mail, download it to my desktop, and THEN attach it to this post after uploading to imageshack.us. Thanks.

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1.Can someone look at this picture and tell me what model number this is & how much I should pay for it? I would also like suggestions for where to purchase the actual gumballs and if it matters what size gum balls go into this machine. Thanks.


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2. Does anyone know how to post pictures from a memory card that is inside of a cell phone? I had to send it to myself via e-mail, download it to my desktop, and THEN attach it to this post after uploading to imageshack.us. Thanks.

My wife and I use an Iogear card reader. Works for her cell phone memory card and the sd card from the camera. I bought it at Fry's Electronics when I was in Houston.

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It's hard to say what model that is but it's probably from ok manufacturing.They can be bought used on ebay or craigslist, I wouldnt spend more than $150.00 for one. I would buy 850 count gumballs and I would get them from sams. Do not put the whole case of gumballs in the machine at one time, they will go stale and you will waste money.

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$150 seems to be the going rate for a used one. You could try $125. I would dump the gum and replace with 3/4 of a box of Sam's Double Bubble 850 count. You would probably have it on a 3 or 4 month service schedule.

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$150 seems to be the going rate for a used one. You could try $125. I would dump the gum and replace with 3/4 of a box of Sam's Double Bubble 850 count. You would probably have it on a 3 or 4 month service schedule.

Nice. I checked ebay and found one for 200, but I admit, I forgot to see if it was new or used. And then of course I saw one exactly like the one pictured above, straight from Blockbuster for 350 with 86 dollar shipping.

Are these even profitable? What types of net and gross profit would I be looking at?

JeremyTina, when you say double bubble, are they round like most gumballs, or just the kind of Double Bubble that are usually wrapped up in wrappers? I ask because I imagine it would vend and then not roll all the way around to the bottom due to friction from the wrappers.

Is this a pipe dream venture anyone? Thanks for any advice and wisdom you choose to impart.

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Nice. I checked ebay and found one for 200, but I admit, I forgot to see if it was new or used. And then of course I saw one exactly like the one pictured above, straight from Blockbuster for 350 with 86 dollar shipping.

Are these even profitable? What types of net and gross profit would I be looking at?

JeremyTina, when you say double bubble, are they round like most gumballs, or just the kind of Double Bubble that are usually wrapped up in wrappers? I ask because I imagine it would vend and then not roll all the way around to the bottom due to friction from the wrappers.

Is this a pipe dream venture anyone? Thanks for any advice and wisdom you choose to impart.

In answer to your first question, yes they can be profitable with the right location. Gumballs cost 2 cents each roughly, even when paying tax at Sam's Club. Your looking at an 80% GP on every one sold.

Second, I thought you were buying the machine in the picture with the gum in it. Double Bubble is a brand of gum commonly available.

Third, although this business has a high marging of profitability, you will need much more than that one machine to earn more than pocket change.

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Yeah, that exact machine is the main machine of interest.

Thanks for the advice. If you think of anything else I'd be open to hearing more.

I'm thinking something like this needs to be in a Sam's or Walmart, where there is very high traffic.

Should I even offer commission or is there not enough spread to offer this to a business owner that is allowing me to place this machine?

In other news, I'm curious about those 3 head candy machines and may supplement the placement of this machine with one of those candy machines as well.

Thanks again.

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In other news, I'm curious about those 3 head candy machines and may supplement the placement of this machine with one of those candy machines as well.

Thanks again.

mmmmm.... sounds like some very basic bulk questions. I would really recommend reading some older threads as this is the kind of thing that is talked about in depth.

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Guys........when I first started I felt the same way in terms of NOT filling a machine up with a product be it toys, candy, or gumballs. I felt it was a waste of money etc. Especially with food products ie: gum and candy.

But I have learned that is not how to look at it. A customer seeing a spiral gumball machine 1/4 filled or 1/3 filled will think that the gum is old and stale. When the customer sees a full spiral ( or at least 3/4 filled ), they will be alot more attracted to it and put money in it. That's because they will think that the product is fresh. Took me a long while to understand that. Same thing with a cannister of candy. If the customer sees the cannister being serviced and filled monthly, that customer will be alot more likely to spend money at your machine.

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Guys........when I first started I felt the same way in terms of NOT filling a machine up with a product be it toys, candy, or gumballs. I felt it was a waste of money etc. Especially with food products ie: gum and candy.

But I have learned that is not how to look at it. A customer seeing a spiral gumball machine 1/4 filled or 1/3 filled will think that the gum is old and stale. When the customer sees a full spiral ( or at least 3/4 filled ), they will be alot more attracted to it and put money in it. That's because they will think that the product is fresh. Took me a long while to understand that. Same thing with a cannister of candy. If the customer sees the cannister being serviced and filled monthly, that customer will be alot more likely to spend money at your machine.

It still won't prevent the product from going stale, and then you're out all of your profit if you have to trash it. I know that the debate from some will be that the location shouldn't be kept, but sometimes a machine like this can earn well if you extend the service cycle. The big gumball head only guys in my area only go by every 4 months to most of their locs, and they have been doing it this way for a long time. I agree that a full machine looks more appealing, but if that becomes the main concern with this machine, it could be filled with $40 worth of quality 27mm round caps or bouncy balls.

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A customer seeing a spiral gumball machine 1/4 filled or 1/3 filled will think that the gum is old and stale. When the customer sees a full spiral ( or at least 3/4 filled ), they will be alot more attracted to it and put money in it. That's because they will think that the product is fresh.

I would have to disagree with you on the 1/4 or 1/3 comment tbird.
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And there are easy ways to create a filler for a large globe on a spiral, for example. Many years ago we used a clean round plastic storage tub in one, just drilled a hole in the bottom and one through the cap on top and threaded it through the center post. Used a little thumbscrew deal (normally used to secure a sliding window) attached to the center post as a way to keep the tub at the proper height...the cap would rest on it. We went from using nearly two cases of 850 gum to less than one to make it look full. Beaver used to make something similar for their tower units, I would imagine they still do.

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I would have to disagree with you on the 1/4 or 1/3 comment tbird.

Will..........if you had two spirals in front of you right? And one was full of GBs and the other was 1/4 full, which machine would you place your money in?

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Will..........if you had two spirals in front of you right? And one was full of GBs and the other was 1/4 full, which machine would you place your money in?

truthfully, I would use the one that was 1/4 full because I would think that's the one everyone else likes.

I just woke up and my eyes are still fuzzy I clicked on the rep icon instead of the reply icon so tbird you got a freebie! grin.gif

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truthfully, I would use the one that was 1/4 full because I would think that's the one everyone else likes.

I just woke up and my eyes are still fuzzy I clicked on the rep icon instead of the reply icon so tbird you got a freebie! grin.gif

Full or not full, my biggest issue with spirals, is that they are usually not maintained properly and have bits and pieces of gum shell all around the spiral. Can that thing be removed, or is it glued in? A wipedown would be simple if it came out. Otherwise a dryer duct cleaner my work well.

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Full or not full, my biggest issue with spirals, is that they are usually not maintained properly and have bits and pieces of gum shell all around the spiral. Can that thing be removed, or is it glued in? A wipedown would be simple if it came out. Otherwise a dryer duct cleaner my work well.

there is a rod inside the coin drawer area that extends the length of the machine, take the nut off and the whole thing comes apart, you can remove the spiral tube and clean it, I agree those flakes make it look bad.

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