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Beaver Cashdrawer!


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I'm debating whether to purchase Beaver cashdrawers for my RB machines or not. I cant find any used ones on Craiglists nor Ebay and at $50+ each new directly from Beaver, it is kinda expensive! Is it really worthed to fork ou $50 for a cashdrawer when the whole machine with the coin mechanism (but without the cashdrawer) sell for $50 or less? Also, doesn't make it easier for people to be tempted to steal since the have easier access to the cash with a cashdrawer installed?

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What have said and also if you have a busy location, you will regret having the cash drawer with piled up quarters in it and the drawer being difficult to open and the quarters spilling everywhere.

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I love the cash drawers..makes the collection process easy and fast..money backing up can be an issue..Since our equipment is all metered we can transer coin into other machines when we need to..

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..money backing up can be an issue..Since our equipment is all metered we can transer coin into other machines when we need to..

I dont't follow! Why not just empty out the coins instead of tranfering some of it into another machine?

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we collect on a scheduled basis (usually 1x per month). Some locations require filling every 2 weeks..during the filling we check the cash drawers and move the coin to the Northern Beaver Machines if necessary. Setting up a large route must be done with proper scheduling, therefore, we dont just collect when we feel like it..

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we collect on a scheduled basis (usually 1x per month). Some locations require filling every 2 weeks..during the filling we check the cash drawers and move the coin to the Northern Beaver Machines if necessary. Setting up a large route must be done with proper scheduling, therefore, we dont just collect when we feel like it..

This is a really interesting idea. If you have to fill every 2 weeks then why wouldn't you collect every two weeks? This is an interesting idea and I'm having a hard time understanding the logic. I would think that if you need to touch the machine then you'd want to make any collection a part of that process since you're already touching the machines. Can you elaborate on the why? Thanks.

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Can you elaborate on the why? Thanks.


I do this from time to time as well, with my best locations close to home, and the main explanation is that most times if you collect from the machine the location expects the same commission as last time and you can ruffle their feathers if you don't do so, even when you explain to them it has only been 2 weeks versus 1 month, 1 month vs. 2 months, etc. Collection cycles are one thing that should be kept pretty much consistent.

I will say, however, if you are having to fill between collections, you may not have enough equipment in the location and may want to consider upgrading. Maybe a 7-way vs. a 5-way will bridge the gap, add a sticker machine, etc. Other times, there isn't much you can do and you can't get permission to upgrade, and then you have to stick it out with the servicing between collections, I have one location where this is the case, but it is a $300-400 location. But I did finally get permission to add there so hopefully that won't be so much of a headache.

In summary,

1. Servicing between collections is a bit of a pain, but can save time when you do collect.

2. Locations don't want drastic changes in their commission payouts.

3. Upgrade as much as you can or need to in order to make the next collection without servicing between collections.

4. Don't be afraid to ask multiple times if they say no initially to upgrading.

Do your best to explain you are trying to provide the best service possible, which means more money for them (and you) while cutting down on extra service calls and them calling you to tell you things are empty, which makes nobody money.

If all else fails, don't panic, you still have a great location if this is happening to you, if you can add ex-caps to your heads do so, you can nearly always get away with that and they take up little extra space.

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