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skittles betrayal

ginger vend

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Bought several bags of skittles at sams all of which had may 12 date. Opened 3 bags and skittles were pale/dull, missing "S" on several pieces and numerous pieces were cracked/chipped--looked crappy like old candy. Took them all back and all the bags at both local sams were the same may 12 date, so didn't get any more. Hope this is just a one batch deal, but now feel need a backup plan.

Wondering what alternatives are available that actually sell (excluding reeces, pmm, mikes, gum, toys). Tried runts when sams used to stock them without much success. Anyone had success with other candies like bonz, tart chews, etc.

Also: any of you do 2 GB's for 25 cents at some locations? If so have you found it to increase sales enough to be worthwhile?

Tks GingerVend

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Quill has a pretty decent deal on a case of Runts with free shipping. I really don't have as many sweet candy locations as I have moved away from candy and reduced the number of heads. But I am seriously considering replacing both M&I and Skittles with Runts as my one and only sweet candy product offering in those remaining candy locations. Plus the Skittles have been gumming up more over the past 2 years. Sometimes they are clumped up when I open the bag - very annoying. I suspect the Mars Company may have changed the outer shell formulation a bit. Either that or global warming is causing more clumping!

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Tks T Bird and Jax.

Yes Jax, I have a feeling Mars has changed something. Had have a couple complaints of skittles tasting stale in past yr, seems they didn't hold up as well last summer to heat either. Think i will give the runts another try then, as they are the most similiar product i can think of. May give the pucker ups a shot at spots that are kids oriented. Haven't given up totally yet on skittles but getting leery. Will check another batch Before i buy!! And need something to tide me over or take over.

Hutch, have some double candy locations that do too good to pass up and toys/gum isn't an option.

Ginger Vend

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Yea, it's hard to find that one-size-fits-all sweet candy choice. One that doesn't clump up. One that kids and adults would like. One that sells with reasonable volume. One that is cheap. One that will hold up for a long time. One that will not go stale. One that is easy to purchase. One that will not cost a fortune to ship. Getting a bit picky I guess! So far, Runts is the best choice I can find out there. Although I know it's more of a kids candy, I will put in some adult break rooms (that prohibit gum) as the only sweet candy choice and see what happens.

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The only candy I run that has moved at any pace was Mike and Ikes and Peanut M&Ms. I am considering trying Chewy Spree in the summer to replace Mike and Ikes due to their desire to stick together and jam brush housings when it gets warm :)

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