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Anyone else feeling kind of stalled out in their business?


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I have been struggling to get motivated over the last week to get more machines out. I made a significant investment in parts to refurbish the remainder of my machines, and product to fill them, paint them, etc, but just haven't been motivated to get started. I know that I will have to have a few ready shortly to place on site at some soon to be forthcoming locations, but I am procrastinating like a son of a golpher. Any one else felt this way recently? I know that once I get these 30 or so machines out, that I could relax for awhile, but I just haven't. I don't know....maybe tonight I'll try and get one done...

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Eddie and Rob are both finding locations for me. Things are very competitive and saturated here in Florida. I place them myself when I have time, but I am also working a fulltime job. My main motivation for putting out more machines is to have the business grown enough to hire my father in law later in the year to handle all of the services, and have enough machines out there to keep him busy 2-3 days a week.

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Jeremy, Sometimes I feel the same way.

It has taken me all winter to get the rest of my machines ready. After working the full time gig 60 hours a week it's hard to get motivated.

Get a few ready and grab your wife and kids and go make a day of locating. Oh yeah, spend some of those quarters on some fun stuff too. ;D

Works for me.

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I have a few racks that need a home but havent been motivated to do a lot of locating either.I have done a little but not as much as I should.I think I am going to set a date for one of my days off and get off my but when that day comes and go do a days worth of locating.

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Motivation is something I need an endless supply of. With school and work, it's a daunting task to go locating. All I can say for you Jeremy, is take a break if you haven't already. A small break is better than being burnt out in the long run.

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Motivation is something I need an endless supply of. With school and work, it's a daunting task to go locating. All I can say for you Jeremy, is take a break if you haven't already. A small break is better than being burnt out in the long run.

No rest for the weary. I have 4 locs to place from Rob and Ed, and I am taking 3 machines with me when I go to collect from the final 10 stop on my Tampa route today. I spent the entire week collecting and depositing money (which raised my spirits a bit). I will have collected around $3500 this month by next Saturday. I may be closer to $4k by the following Friday. I just need to get the remaining 20 machines out, and then I can take a breather. I need to get another 200+ heads out and pick up a couple of full line locations before I can get my father in law out doing all of my collections. Once he's out,if I am at my goal, I can pay him and continue to grow the business, and have a lot less time spent on the road. This will allow me to grow even faster hopefully, as I will have more time to locate, an spend doing up a proper P&L analysis, which will help control my growth rate, by allowing me to set proper service cycles for each location, and setting up more efficient routes.

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No rest for the weary. I have 4 locs to place from Rob and Ed, and I am taking 3 machines with me when I go to collect from the final 10 stop on my Tampa route today. I spent the entire week collecting and depositing money (which raised my spirits a bit). I will have collected around $3500 this month by next Saturday.

You're growing by leaps and bounds. Congrats! I imagine that is one reason you get tired. Keep the goal in mind and remember that you can rest when you're dead...or all out of machines. Great job.

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I give you guys and gals a lot of credit for having full time jobs and running a vending business. I have been retired for about 5 years and only have to worry about my vending business. I spend most of my time looking for accounts and improving the ones I have. I think if you are feeling stalled out it's because you are working very hard. If you are not placing machines you should go through the accounts you already have and improve them. Add more heads, add 2" machines, add more 1" machines, add toys to a candy rack, add a crane to an account with a rack setup. Getting more accounts is important but don't forget about improving what you already have. The easiest accounts to increase business in are the ones you already have.


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I give you guys and gals a lot of credit for having full time jobs and running a vending business. I have been retired for about 5 years and only have to worry about my vending business. I spend most of my time looking for accounts and improving the ones I have. I think if you are feeling stalled out it's because you are working very hard. If you are not placing machines you should go through the accounts you already have and improve them. Add more heads, add 2" machines, add more 1" machines, add toys to a candy rack, add a crane to an account with a rack setup. Getting more accounts is important but don't forget about improving what you already have. The easiest accounts to increase business in are the ones you already have.


This is a good point. I have a few more locs to check out now (Thanks Eddie). I am trying to get my existing stock of machines out, and then I am going to pull the bottom 10 or so, and go from there. I have identified locations that need more or different equipment (around 12), and those that need upgraded to racks (I have found four). I plan to get these setup within the next 30 days. I also just landed another soda and snack location on my own this past week, and I need to find some decent used equipment at a super cheap price. The servicing of the route is what really drains my time. It's aroung 30 hours of work a month maybe 40. This new location for full line will take another 6 hours a month to service including drive time. I have been sick for a couple days, so now I have quite a number of machines to get out tomorrow. It just goes on...lol...I do enjoy it though, and wouldn't ever give it up. Just want to hire someone to share the burden that's all.

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Sometimes I need a little motivation too. Particularly during the winter months.

For this reason I have made a small motivation help for me some months ago.

It's a set of cards with a photo of a vending machine on the front. The format is similar as in the case of playing cards.

So they always reminds me that getting locations is a game. A numbers game.

I have laminated my cards and rounded off the corners, but only for my personal fun.

Whenever machines have to be located (or relocated) i put a 'post-it' on the backside of one card and write the address of a potential location on this.

Then i permanently carry these cards with me.

Maybe a silly idea, but it works for me, so i want to share. ;)

If somebody likes it or you want to see it in the download section, there is a printable *.pdf file available.



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