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The battle of the office candy jar

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One of my accounts wanted me to take chocolate out of my snack vending machine because "one of the other adults was tempted every time she walked by the machine."

Is it MY FAULT that this "other ADULT" has no will power??

It's not it's free for the taking. She has to spend money every time she gets a piece of chocolate. She CAN choose NOT to spend money and NOT to eat the chocolate if she WANTS to.

I too, have a hard time passing up free chocolate, but it's MY CHOICE. No one is making me eat it.

Of course, I wouldn't argue with anyone who did make me eat chocolate. :)

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I need to find a way to may a perfectly clear vending machine apparently. 3.1 candies a day in an opaque container, and double that if it's nearby, and transparent? Wow!

As far as an account wanting chocolate out of the vending machine, that would tick me off.

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