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What are you "core" products


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I keep checking around on the different supplier sites, and I find lots of items that look like they may do well. However, I don't want to experiment; I just want some good selling items. Once in a while I will branch out and try something new, but all too often it ends up biting me in the butt. So I've found that I keep a stock of core items that always seem to do well for me. I was wondering if you do the same, and if so, what are those items?

1 inch


Bouncy balls

Sticky Mix

Fun-Time Self Vend




Yo-Yo balls

Large sticky mix

Plush & Stuff

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I try to stay around 20 difffernt cap products at any given time and I do a lot of rotating. As far as true staples that would be bb, 850ct gum, moustache mix a sticky. Then as a sub staple yo yo balls, a light up item. I atleast try most every thing AA comes out with some stay on and some dont.

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Other than assorted gumballs, I have no core items. If you are trying to maximize sales you can't just keep filling your machines with the same items over and over.

I agree my core or main items are always in rotaion in my machines. Every head is rotateded but for gum and 27 or 32mm balls.

I always have balls and gum.

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I agree my core or main items are always in rotaion in my machines. Every head is rotateded but for gum and 27 or 32mm balls.

I always have balls and gum.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

I have balls toogrin.gif

I recently added erasers to my core items but I started adding some pencils to the displays. I think it is helping sales.

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Other than assorted gumballs, I have no core items. If you are trying to maximize sales you can't just keep filling your machines with the same items over and over.

Yes, I've found that sales of the 'core' items will slack off over time at the same location. But I've also found that new locations take to the 'core' items better than the fringe items. Even so, when you have enough core items, you can rotate them around again at the same location. Trying out new product always leaves you with some dead stuff that just won't move. I'm glad I never got onto the silly bands craze. I certainly wouldn't have gotten on to it soon enough to capitalize on it, and if I had tried, I would have been stuck with lots of mystery mix filler.

I'm starting to see the same thing with the numb skullz, but I haven't been around to pick up any bok choy boys to know if they are any good or not. The new squisheez from a&a are not looking promising. Aliens have died a horrible death for me, and I'm starting to get uncomfortable with ninjas, and I won't do rings anymore.

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I'm starting to see the same thing with the numb skullz, but I haven't been around to pick up any bok choy boys to know if they are any good or not. The new squisheez from a&a are not looking promising. Aliens have died a horrible death for me, and I'm starting to get uncomfortable with ninjas, and I won't do rings anymore.

Bok Choy and Numb Skullz are hit and miss for me. They are a bit expensive and the cheaper Urbaneez do just as well. Aliens and Ninjas still are some of my best movers but that's probably because I create my own displays and change those around. I do a lot of mix displays that seem to get attention.

The good thing about those is that I can unload them for .25 if they aren't selling at .50 and it's still good profit. I'm not sure why the Bok Choy and Numb Skullz are so expensive. The licensed stuff for basically the same price does better for me so I stopped buying them.

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Two years ago, I adopted a “simpler is better/less is better” model that I am very happy with. I have a core set of products and rotate only within that core set. Currently have 2 candies, 1 gumball assortment, 1 super ball assortment, 3 one-inch products, 2 two-inch standard products, 2 two-inch sport (NFL/NBA) products, 1 flat tattoo product, 1 non-sport sticker product and 2 sport (NFL/MLB) sticker products. I only rotate if/when something stops moving. Sport products are rotated as the season changes. Tattoos get “rotated” with new series offerings.

I want to keep the service time for a rack at 45 minutes and excessive rotations will usually double that time. I don’t chase fad products or holla-hoops any more. At some point you will guess wrong and be stuck with dead inventory. Plus I love having less product inventory to purchase, manage and load into the van. My racks have been very consistent for the last 2 years. Lot’s of quarters just keep going and going like the good old Energizer Bunny. Most of my racks are 5 ways, with a few 7 to 9 ways. I also use hoops and gas pumps to perk up gumball and super ball sales.

I respect all models. And if something like excessive rotation works for you, then good for you. But that type of model is not for me. I had some blow-out numbers this summer with the same products I have been using for over a year. I see this as just another decision every vendor needs to make – with no real “right or wrong”. And I have made mine – simpler is better, less is better, avoid overkill. And if ain’t broke, I don’t fix it!

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I couldn't agree more. If its sellin I aint pullin.

Today I saw that a machine with a Ninja/Alien mix that did just okay for three months completely sold out in less than a month. Same location but it just went crazy for a bit. Now the sad part is that it's one of the three machines I'm trying to remove from that recently closed location. I was able to leave my card today to ask for a pickup time. More reason to fight for the machines with a chunk of change in there.

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