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fruit shakers vs seedlings

ginger vend

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I ordered several boxes of 850ct Oak Leaf fruit shakers and almost ALL of the strawberry shaped ones were missing their outer red coating and some lemon shaped ones (were all in crumbs in bottom of boxes from where they had fallen off after boxed at factory).

The lemon shaped ones also will allow 2 gumballs to vend at times due to their smaller size if the cannister is full.

Couldn't find any references to these problems in seedlings threads: To those of you who vend seedlings are you having these issues?

Tks, Ginger Vend

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I vend seedlings slightly water downed with reg. double bubble for more color and to bring cogs down slightly. Like antonio I have had some cracking on the strawberry but it has been limited. When I switched from the reg. DB to seedlings I saw a nice increase in sales, and have only had positive feedback from customers.

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I vend seedlings slightly water downed with reg. double bubble for more color and to bring cogs down slightly. Like antonio I have had some cracking on the strawberry but it has been limited. When I switched from the reg. DB to seedlings I saw a nice increase in sales, and have only had positive feedback from customers.

Where do you order them from?

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

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$29.38 last time I ordered, switching to 1080ct watermelon, want that extra $57 a case. One thing I've learned about Sam's is when you pick up a special order you better go ahead and order more cause sometimes it takes 2 weeks sometimes it takes 2 months.

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