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King Size Bars Disappearing


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King size candy bars will disappear from our shelves (and machines) soon. Our regular size bars may get smaller now too....

Thanks a lot Mrs. O.

Good info. I'm fairly certain that Mars is not really concerned with "Providing healthier candy for people" but rather, "How do we reduce the size of our candy bar without increasing price in a way that won't make people believe that we are only out for profits?" Along came an "agreement" for "healthier guidelines" and Mars finds an answer!

I think it's every for-profit business's right to earn a profit, but I don't think Mars cares so much about healthiness.

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Terrific. This is exactly what we need. Some authority figure who has to step in and tell us we can't eat something. Are we really that stupid? That's what they are implying- that Americans are so STUPID we can't make the healthy choice of celery sticks or whatnot over a candy bar. Thanks for sharing Shauna, though this is disheartening to say the least. Is this really where society is heading? Sigh.

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Terrific. This is exactly what we need. Some authority figure who has to step in and tell us we can't eat something. Are we really that stupid? That's what they are implying- that Americans are so STUPID we can't make the healthy choice of celery sticks or whatnot over a candy bar. Thanks for sharing Shauna, though this is disheartening to say the least. Is this really where society is heading? Sigh.

You have no idea. A school in NC confiscated a child's lunch that contained a turkey and cheese sandwich, fruit, juice, and potato chips. Said it wasn't healthy even though it was what the PARENT packed for their child. What did the all-knowing government provide in place of this unhealthy, child-obesity-causing lunch? Chicken nuggets. Hmmmm.

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You have no idea. A school in NC confiscated a child's lunch that contained a turkey and cheese sandwich, fruit, juice, and potato chips. Said it wasn't healthy even though it was what the PARENT packed for their child. What did the all-knowing government provide in place of this unhealthy, child-obesity-causing lunch? Chicken nuggets. Hmmmm.

Not only that, but as a followup it was determined that the lunch that was packed met the nutritional guidelines that are in place.

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I don't want to sound like a moron here... and believe me, I am still in my 20s. What I don't understand is... when I was in school (elementary, middle(junior high) and highschool), there were no debates about "government schools" or issues with schools telling us what we could and could not eat. I just find it hard to believe that... in 8-10 years, the system could have changed SO much that now some schools are doing this. I mean, what kind of an educational administrator could actually yank some kid's turkey and cheese sandwich that their parent packed for them and tell them it's unhealthy?

It reminds me of a show that I saw with some younger british chef guy. He was visiting a school with the goal of cooking a HEALTHY and TASTY meal that was under budget. The guy was basically having the lunch ladies make some rice and roasted chicken (I think) and the head lunch lady said that the meal was insufficient because it needed TWO bread items and the rice only counted as ONE item. The chef kind of freaked out over it and said having 2 bread items will make the kids fat! Then he goes off of the site to tell the camera guy "no wonder american kids are getting fat."

I believe that MOST parents know what is good for their kids and what is not... but I also believe that schools GENERALLY have better alternatives than a "lunchable" meal or no meal at all if the parents can't provide something decent... but to take their turkey and cheese sandwich away.... that's bologne.... no pun intended.

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