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A "800" number for customer contact


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Latest lease from the mall included having an 800 number for customers to contact to get refunds instead of going to the malls service department. Anyone dealt with this? Anyone have an 800 number already? How much did it cost? Do you have recommendations for a free or near free way to handle this?

After going through the hassle of negotiating a new contract (new management company), they sent over a lease containing a requirement for an 800 number and a larger insurance policy (upping limits from 1 mil to 2).

Rents were based on the old deal, if I have to pay these costs out of my pocket I am not interested in renting the space at the agreed upon price. No contracts have been signed yet. The rent payments would have to be lowered to adjust for their additional demands. If they don't want me, I'm fine with walking away. They are in my bottom 20% for profit per hour invested. (Go figure eh? Everything else in that section is a charity machine in a slow location.)

Thanks for the feed back. Going to talk to the woman I came to the deal with and see if this can be fixed. I'm finding mall operations to be a huge waste of time. We have one vendor here who managed to find a mall that was interested in having a vendor. I've found several malls who are not interested in renting space. Ironically some of them are dying from lack of cash flow...

I'd like to sign this short lease because on the original deal it would provide a small but reasonable cash flow while I looked for new homes for machines or found ways to improve revenues to the point where it was worth contiuing to deal with them. It would also keep the machines out of my garage, which is fairly full. I'll put them in the garage and park the car outside if this is the best they can offer.

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My Mall contract recently bumped up my insurance to $2 million as well. I can't think of a possible way that a bulk machine could do that much damage, but I'm don't make the rules. My contract requires I have an "Open Support Number" available and visible on the machines. They suggested an 800 number, but agreed that for my purposes a local line would be fine. Malls are weird about this. Give them a call, and see if you can negotiate something with them. Make a plan- explain how you would use a local number to process their issues/refunds without the mall's input. I'd think an administrator would agree to that. If they can't budge on it, thank the guy for his time, and scout some new locations. Malls are becoming more and more difficult tow place in, and for me the profit is barely worth the hassle. An 800 number for bulk vending is, in my opinion, absurd.

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My Mall contract recently bumped up my insurance to $2 million as well. I can't think of a possible way that a bulk machine could do that much damage, but I'm don't make the rules. My contract requires I have an "Open Support Number" available and visible on the machines. They suggested an 800 number, but agreed that for my purposes a local line would be fine. Malls are weird about this. Give them a call, and see if you can negotiate something with them. Make a plan- explain how you would use a local number to process their issues/refunds without the mall's input. I'd think an administrator would agree to that. If they can't budge on it, thank the guy for his time, and scout some new locations. Malls are becoming more and more difficult tow place in, and for me the profit is barely worth the hassle. An 800 number for bulk vending is, in my opinion, absurd.

I agree. The last contract we signed called for a 800 # OR a local #.


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I've used 800 numbers for other endeavors, but vending is usually local . Currently I have a magic jack at $1.70 a month and it forwards calls to my cellphone or accepts voice mail and emails the file to me depending on the setting. I'm hanging on to it because I lucked out and was able to get a number ending in"00" as in"555-1200."

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