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Big Mike

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Maybe we should "put our best foot forward" and help king out. So in doing so im offering peyton manning for andre johnson, calvin johnson, demaryius thomas, jimmy graham and matt ryan. Of course you got to wonder is this is a real trade or am I using it to gauge your level of knowledge.


I'd rather have Manning!

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   Your problem is that you have failed to recognize your current position with the loss of Julio Jones.  I made a very generous offer to you that, although you may not have wanted, was well within fair market value.  I suspect a couple of weeks of you losing due to a horrible WR corps will get your head out of the clouds.  




    Yes, I sent you a one sided trade.  I didn't really want what you had and it needed to be lopsided for me to consider it.  I also do not know you as an opponent and had to gauge your level of knowledge.  


You see, while you simpletons just see a bad trade, you do not see the degree of knowledge ascertained by such an exercise.  Also, sometimes an offer is a starting point in negotiations.  Send a counter offer back and attempt to find a middle ground.  In any event, I will win my second championship with or without you ladies.  I did it last year and I will easily do it again.



Current and Future Champ,



Well now I hope you know the level of our knowledge - nobody's going trade you a top 4 QB for a bench player or a QB who no longer has his top receivers active.  As for the "exercise" I offered you a QB tied for 6th place in average points per week for a WR that's performing well below that level - it's not about what he did last year, but what he's doing this year (and that ain't much).  In retrospect, I'm glad you turned my offer down as I'd probably have to leave Megabust on the bench in his current condition.

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I have some nice WR's sitting on my bench. Let me know if your interested in a trade?





I'll be glad when all this pink business is done - my team has been playing like a bunch of ******* ever since they started wearing the pink accessories  :blink:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Need a QB?  I have two off the top four. 

League note: Trade deadline is Nov 15th. 

Next year Mike,  I'm going to avoid anybody that has anything to do with Tony Romo - that guy's a basket case.  I'll be okay if I sit out the Cowboys for the rest of the year

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Next year Mike,  I'm going to avoid anybody that has anything to do with Tony Romo - that guy's a basket case.  I'll be okay if I sit out the Cowboys for the rest of the year

Jerry Jones is already complaining the "Who Dats" was cheating.

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    At this point you are all well aware that I have the best team by leaps and bounds.  You are all terrified to play me and rightfully so.  I average more than 150 points per week and I decimate my opponents week in and week out.  You know the repeat is inevitable so just go gentle into that good night.  Bench all of your players when you face me and you will receive the Kings mercy . . . a swift death.  If you stand against me, you will be cut down where you stand.
Accept your stations in life and never try to rise above it.
Your Crowned King and Overlord
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  • 1 month later...



    Allow me to be the first to officially congratulate you on being this years champion.  I wish I could blame luck but, sadly, the blame rests squarely on the shoulders of the King.  I started a kicker and defense that combined for 2 points.  In a season of remarkably lucky decisions, I finally made a very poor choice and it cost me the championship.   I would like to formally hand over the crown and scepter and ask that you keep my throne warm for me.  I would also like to formally announce that the King has sold the Kandy Kingdom as of this past friday.  I am no longer in the candy business but next year I will buy back one machine just so I can re-enter the kicking your butt business and reclaim my spot on the throne. 


 - The King Who Abdicated his Throne

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King -


Your bloviation and drivel have only been exceeded by your gracious manner in handing over the throne! 


I will miss your posts regarding your efforts in the vending business.  Good luck in your endeavors.


- Ward

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Hey king,


You will be terribly missed in the bulk section.  Would love to hear the story about your sell-off sometime if you're willing to share it.  That I can think of, you were the LONE example on these forums of a vendor actually making a full-time living doing nothing but candy.  Perhaps that's a big reason in and of itself behind your decision to sell.  At any rate, best wishes in your future endeavors.   

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   Unfortunately that is not true.  Vending has been a fantastic mistress but The Kings main squeeze is a handful of plazas he owns in the South Florida area.  I stumbled onto bulk vending while looking to export full line to other countries.  Bulk vending was a side project that was a challenge to me.  My thought was to put a professional veneer on a predominantly amateur business and it would take off.   I brought my cousin in on the idea as we had complimentary skill sets (I am a number cruncher and can look toward expansion and he can handle day to day operations).  We established company protocols and made all of our employees go out uniformed with a clean shave and a positive demeanor.  We had our trials and tribulations but we grew rapidly.  At the end of the day, after paying employees so we didn't have to run routes or drop machines and paying locators so we didn't have to deal with rejection, what we were left with, although enough to pay for car payments for both of us and our wives and have money left over,  was not worth the time I had to invest.  I did enjoy my time and I did make some money but, ultimately, I like real estate.  I play monopoly for a living and make sure if someone lands on St. Charles Place, I get my rent.  It is easy, safe and what I know better than anything else.  I met some good people doing vending but the last 4 months, I was on auto-pilot with respect to the vending because my real estate holdings demanded my attention.  As everyone in this forum can attest, if you are not hands on, you are doomed.  My goal was never to have a couple of hundred machines and be on auto-pilot.  It was to have thousands of machines and keep growing daily.  Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it), I just couldn't devote any more of my time to vending.  The decision was made one saturday when I looked out of my study window as I was crunching numbers for expansion and watched as my wife and daughters had a picnic.  Real Estate has been good to me, good enough that I need not do anything else, and I would rather spend time with my family than press on to attain my thousands of machines.  I sold to a gentleman who will run the route himself and was looking for a supplementary business and it was a natural fit.  He stepped right in and took over and, with the elimination of employees and if he opts to locate himself, he has gotten a gold mine from me for a very reasonable price.  That being said . . . the King was much more distraught about his fantasy loss than his sale.  I will see you gentlemen next year because you have proven to be worthy adversaries on the fantasy field and true gentlemen in the world of business.  May your quarters over flow and your Mike & Ike's never stick.




Kandy King

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Welcome back Your Highness. I'll be back in this year as usual. I expect to make a better run than last year since I was unable to access the league for the first half of the season.

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Ladies and Gentlemen,


    I am anxious to regain my rightful place on the throne.   Do we have any new takers for fantasy football this year?




I'll be in - wouldn't want to miss all the king's pompous bloviations

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Gents, I assure you that you will not be left wanting for the Kings pomposity for very long.  I intend to run my royal mouth all the way to the super bowl (for the 3rd time in 3 years) and reclaim my rightful spot at the top of the heap.  Fret not though, I will allow all of you peasants a chance to bend a knee and swear fealty to me, your rightful and future fantasy champion.

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