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Impact of crane machine on bulk sales in same location?


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I've got a few really good bulk locations with nice racks making decent money. I'm strongly considering adding a crane machine to at least one location, but I'm wondering if I will just end up seeing sales shift from bulk to crane without any real or significant total sales increase. Can anyone who has both bulk racks and cranes in the same location comment on your experiences in adding a crane to an existing bulk location?

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It may pull a little but over all the revenue will increase and that is what counts in the end.  If the crane pulls $10 from potential rack sales but adds a $100 to the total I think it would be worth it.

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Interesting question, I have just placed 2 new cranes in a location this month. The site has racks as well and I am trying to push the rack operator out so I will see if it works in a few months. In this case I have one crane at $2 per play with balls in it and  the other is set at $1 per play and its an extra play crane so in the extra play side I have placed a mixture of bouncy balls, confectionery and capsuled toys, which is basically the same as what the rack sells. . 

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It may pull a little but over all the revenue will increase and that is what counts in the end.  If the crane pulls $10 from potential rack sales but adds a $100 to the total I think it would be worth it.


If I could be sure the crane would only pull $10 from the rack and add $100 overall, I'd be all over it.

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In a laundromat, where most of your customers are repeat customers, how often would you cycle products in a crane to keep sales up? With my rack I try not to run anything more than 90 days. I stock with a goal of selling out in 60 days, but sometimes you get a slow seller and I carry it for 90 days before moving it to a mystery mix. What's the lifespan of a product in a crane before you start seeing sales decline?

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you should not let plush set more that 2 weeks max for good sales..


a sales breakdown on service goes like this with plush..


service day 

first week-200

second week-100

third week-50

forth week-25

service day then first week would go back to normal sales..


so its according to how much you want stop to make..If you replace that top number with actual number then do math same way,,say its a 60 buck a week location then you would have 60, then30 then15 then 7.5...


I usually try to do plush on two week cycle. That is because my routes are so spread out and i have more of those 60 a week locations than i do those 200's.. back when times where good before the great depression we are in i would hit them every week and it made sense.. now with so many slow stops i have to go less, and the few 200 and 400 stops i still have(that still exist) are really the only thing that keeps the wheels turning.


The reason it goes like that is that you have same players there.. When they see that same bunny or bear on top and they cant win it they will stop playing until its moved.. If another player wins it then they may start playing again..You need to completely empty crane when you service it and then put in new plush, even if its same mix, but it resets crane when they are arranged diffrent.


sure i hear guys say "I only go once a month and it does $350 every time like clockwork." and that is great really, but if they would service that same stop every single week it would be a $800+ a month stop.  

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Sounds a lot like the bulk world. I always see a similar boom in sales on a new product intro and then a tapering off. So, according to Ron two weeks is kind of the magic number. That sounds like something I could handle, especially if I start with locations close to home that wouldn't eat up a lot of my time.

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two weeks is ok if the machine can hold that much stock.. If its a great location you may have to go more often.. My jumbo plush cranes hold about 35-40 pcs of plush, the average winner is about $8-$10 .. And with me if it gets empty before the two weeks i will ad more cranes, but that may not be feasible with you just starting out so you may need to go more often..But hey this will be a great problem for you to have!!!

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