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Dixie-Norco: Accepts correct Amount/Wont Vend

Gilbert H

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I just purchased a dixie-narco model dncb 440/252-8. Everything worked just fine, cleaned it all up, put new tags in button windows to reflect the correct product, and filled the machine with can. I closed it all up and made one purchase just fine and then attempted another purchase and here is what I am experiencing now: the correct change light does not come on. I can place the correct amount of change in and it won't accept any more unless I unplug the machine and plug it back in then it will let me put the correct amount in again but once I get the correct amount in again it won't accept anymore.

Please help!

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It sounds like either the last motor you vended from didn't end it's cycle in the home position or there is a problem with the selection switch you pressed or the wiring on that switch.  Either issue will leave the vend circuit in limbo where a credit is set and the vend circuit can't complete any other vends because the circuit is open.


Check the last motor vended to ensure it's motor switch arms are in the same positions as your other motors - short narrow arm in the notch of the motor timing cam (red/white) and longer arm on the high side of the cam.  This is the home position for all motors.  If all switches are in their home positions including on the last motor that vended, you could have a bad motor cluster switch, likely on that motor.


Check all switches on the select panel.  There should be no loose or damaged wires to any switch and there will be three wires connected to each switch except for one that has only two wires on it (an empty connector should be on the third terminal).  This two wire switch will probably be switch number 1 but might be number 8 depending on the wiring of your machine.  You can also, with power off, do a continuity test of all the select switches through the common terminals from 1 to 8.  The common terminal is on the side with only one terminal.  If there is no continuity then you have a bad switch or wire between two switches.

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