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Mars trc 6010xv coin changer missing piece

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Hey guys Its been a while since I posted, but I need some help.. I recently bought a rowe 5900 jr with everything in great condition but the coin changer is missing a piece... its the piece that shields the change from falling out of the machine.. my question is can this piece be replaced or do I have to buy a new coin changer... I will add a pic below so you guys can see what I am referring to..  if it can be replaced what would it be called and any suggestions on where I can get it from?


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I believe it's called the casette. You might be able to purchase one from somewhere buy I don't know where. That is a plastic piece and shouldn't affect the rest of the coin mech (when it's in place) but I would question why that part is gone. There's a good chance the coin mech is bad and was used for parts.

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I can send you the front of the tubes as long as there isn't any damage to your coin mech body.  More than likely some lazy person thought that removing the front of the tubes was the easiest way to remove the coins and then lost the part.  Let me know if you need the front piece.

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