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With the volume were doing i cant do it anymore, so we hired an accountant. She seems very knowledgable, and is doing my payroll and book keeping. She wants my account log ins and all to check checks clearing debits and credits. Is this normal? What do you guys do?

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Does she write all your checks?  I'm not sure that I would give an outside person access to my bank accounts.  It's one thing if it is an internal bookkeeper that your hired to run your books, but an outside accountant could lead to trouble.  My wife handles our internal books (paying invoices, writing payroll checks, etc.)  We have an accountant that handles all of our taxes and complies our statements (P&L statements, Financial statements, etc.)  Our accountant does not have our account numbers, logins, or PIN numbers.  Also, if you hire a bookkeeper to work for you (on the company's payroll), I would require that all checks still must be signed by YOU.  This, at least, keeps you in the loop of ALL outgoing monies.  Last thing you want is someone writing checks to themselves and stealing your cashflow.  Just my two cents. :)

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I use double point reward cards so i use maybe 10k and pay 10k a day after to get those points lol, so atleast 30 to 50 are cc payments of inventory. Then comission checks are about 50 every quarter, car payments, warehouse, gas, misc expenses

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With that many transactions (and we have similar amounts, expenses, payroll checks, vendors, etc.), I would keep all your bookkeeping internal and just have an outside accountant process the financials.  If you hire someone to do the bookkeeping, I would not give them the ability to sign checks until you are 100% comfortable with them having that control.  Set it up that they can print checks, but all checks MUST be signed by you.  This will protect you from any "funny business" with your business check book.  But NO WAY does your outside accountant need access to your accounts.  Just my 2 cents. :) 

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