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office deli, pop error. does not dispense


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hello, i recently bought an office deli machine and has been working for a couple months. Now When you put money to buy pop get an error and money is given back. So i tested the pop and none work keep getting errors. Any suggestions on what can be wrong or trouble shoot. Sold out works when i try . thanks

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I'm sorry to hear that you bought a piece of junk like that.  While this is your first post you should be a regular in the Beverage and Food subform where we would have steered you away from this imported crap.  Since you now are it's proud owner you should check that the harnesses between the logic board and cooling unit are plugged in.  There are two harnesses on the right side of the can module.  Beyond that I would have to search for my Office Deli manual and see what else it could be.  By the way, you didn't mention what error comes up when you try to vend a soda.

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15 hours ago, freezepop said:

hello, i recently bought an office deli machine and has been working for a couple months. Now When you put money to buy pop get an error and money is given back. So i tested the pop and none work keep getting errors. Any suggestions on what can be wrong or trouble shoot. Sold out works when i try . thanks

Just a thought, in the event it 'might' be something simple, when was the last time you cleaned your bill validator? I must agree with AZ though, those machines are notorious around here I'm afraid.

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in test it does (  - for about 3sec then 03 shows up)  when i put in money the amount flashes then ( - )appears then money is returned. The pop will still show if its sold out. And from what i have been ready bad choice for vending machine but lesson learned. thanks for the replies .never cleaned the validator not sure how actually. 

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  • 3 months later...

There is probably an online manual.  Start by reading the whole manual and then try fixing it.  If I remember they are pretty straight forward.

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