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New to vending just saying HI

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So I'm a new Vendor I started in early January of this year, I currently have 5 Sites 
Hotel with a USI combo machine (hotel only has 65 units) its small its pulling $230 month
Apartment building 1 Dixie narco 501e bottle it’s doing $130 month
Apartment building 1 Dixie narco 501e can it’s doing $90 month
Vapor bar place Bulk candy Vending Vendstar 3000 not doing much only like $10 month
New Barber shop just installed Vending Vendstar 300 last week so too early to tell but it’s the only one in the place we will see J
My Web Site is www.rowlettvending.com you can check it out and tell me what you think of it.

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Proofreading!  Gee, what a concept.  The newspaper doesn't do it as well as they used to, news websites never do it, posters here don't do it, texters don't do it, and far too many businesses don't do it.  But every author wants to be believed or listened to.  It's amazing what the sense of entitlement in society has brought us.

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