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Honor Box startup ?

Jackpot Vending

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I am considering  (re)starting an honor box business - possibly 50 boxes at first and am wondering about particulars

I dealt with Sheridan systems a few years ago in this exact situation and ended up ending the business venture due to losses and frankly not enough profit

I would like to take it more seriously this time and see if it can possibly grow this is something that I can do full time

Question ( for anyone): is this something that a person can make a living at?

Is it possible to have 200 or more boxes and earn a decent living at this if you abide by all the rules - for instance donate to the charity honestly and pay your taxes and everything?

Do you need a business license?

What kind of money can you honestly expect per box per week?

Thank you


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Brian Humphrey has a thread named "snack box update" on here and he has been posting weekly on how his route is going.  He averages about 20 dollars a box each week gross.  Read through that thread it is 28 pages and will give you most of the info you need.

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4 hours ago, Jackpot Vending said:

I am considering  (re)starting an honor box business - possibly 50 boxes at first and am wondering about particulars

I dealt with Sheridan systems a few years ago in this exact situation and ended up ending the business venture due to losses and frankly not enough profit

I would like to take it more seriously this time and see if it can possibly grow this is something that I can do full time

Question ( for anyone): is this something that a person can make a living at?

Is it possible to have 200 or more boxes and earn a decent living at this if you abide by all the rules - for instance donate to the charity honestly and pay your taxes and everything?

Do you need a business license?

What kind of money can you honestly expect per box per week?

Thank you


I replied on your other post, but to sum up:  You would need about double that to make a decent living.  Check out Bhumphrey's posts.  You DO NOT look at per box earnings.  That is pointless!   There are WAY TOO MANY variables.  Also, Sales (total money collected) and Net Profit (what's left AFTER you subtract ALL expenses) are two entirely different things.  Success in this business is predicated on bringing in $$$.  The more accounts you have and the more money you collect will increase the money you potentially can make.  I have made a living in the Honor Snack industry for 25 years.  It can be done, but it is A LOT of hard work, time, and dedication.  If you run it as a side gig, that is all it will ever be.  If you look at it as quick easy money, you are DOOMED TO FAIL.  Run it like any other business.  Just my 2 cents.  :)

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3 hours ago, Jackpot Vending said:

I keep hearing the name Brian Humphrey

How do I find his material who investigate it ?

I am interested in any information I can get about the worth of a Honor Box business !

Thank you

Jackpot Vending

The "worth" of the Honor Snack Business all depends on what YOU put into it.  If you are looking for easy money, then I would avoid it.  Honor Snacks are like any other business and will require A LOT of hard work, time and commitment.  Without that, it will be a failure.  As I stated before, I have made a career out of it and as everyone else has pointed out, Bryan Humphrey (bhumphrey829) has a thread "Weekly Snack Box Update" that he posts his weekly progress.  Bryan is a "one man" operation, while I have employees.  Both operations are providing good livings for the owners.  Bryan is a GREAT example of a SUCCESSFUL operation for anyone starting out.  

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