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AP 112 Bill Validator

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I recently purchased a used AP 112 and upgraded the control board to an In-One to accommodate a Nayax card reader. I stupidly did not test the machine fully prior to installing the new board. Everything except the bill reader is functional. The bill reader is a Mars VFM1-L1-U2CS. I tested the harness and found that the validator is receiving power, but is not powering on. I have read through as many topics as I could find here and have concluded that it is best to replace the unit with a newer model, such as a VN 2501 or 2511. My questions are, will I need a new harness or will the old harness work? Also, does anyone have recommendations on where to get a new validator from? I have found a few sites selling them, but have practically no experience in this field as this is one of my first machines. Any help is greatly appreciated!

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I don't think the vfm works with the inone regardless of what you do.  Since you're already MDB, you should get a mars 2702 as they will accept up to $20 bills and they aren't terribly expensive refurbished.  You may not need one to do that but you're future proof for a while with it.  It's good to pair it with a cf 7512.

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1 hour ago, orsd said:

In theory a VFM should work with an inOne, it’s just that I don’t think anyone has tried.

If you have never seen it work good chance the VFM is dead. Most of them are, at this point in time.

I had ordered one from D&S and I'm pretty sure they told me once before that it won't work with the VFM.  I'm about 85% sure this is correct

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