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Dixie Narco 276E vending incorrectly


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I am having some problems with my machine randomly vending column 6 when I press the other selections. Sometimes it will vend the correct product but then next it won't. Every time it's wrong it's always my product in column 6 that is vended. When I press my menu button the error that pops up is ss-6. When I clear that and go to my space to sales option it reads back and forth between STS and 6-6. When I press each column the space to sales is configured correctly, but whenever I pause from pressing the selections it goes back to saying STS and 6-6. Is this a select switch problem or is my controller board bad? I did some more messing around with it and when I try to do a motor test it doesn't recognize when a product is vended and literally keeps right on test vending until the selection is empty. I literally had 20 root beers coming at me about as fast as I could get them on the ground. The root beer is what is in column 6 however I did a motor test on another column and that column did the same thing. When I go into the diagnostics menu and navigate to the select switch test option it displays se-6. Once again when I press each selection everything seems to be correct but when I pause it goes back to se-6..... I'm not sure what the problem is? I went into the set price option to see if that works and when I go into that menu it just starts scrolling up and down and I can't stop it. I'm pretty sure this is a controller board issue? 

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Ss-6 indicates that there's something wrong with selection switch 6.  Simple fix.  But the bigger problem appears to be something is wrong with motor 6.  Either the brake is sticking or the switch is bad/bent.  If the brake isn't sticking, it's almost definitely your motor switch.  This is in addition to your faulty selection switch.

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Thanks for your thoughts. The reason I'm thinking it's more than just motor and selection switches is because it's not just motor 6 that seems to have issues. As mentioned motor 5 continued to turn when I tried to test it as well, as if something wasn't communicating. Just motor switches and selection switches being faulty doesn't explain for the weird up and down scrolling that automatically happens when I go into set price.

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12 minutes ago, EZVending25 said:

Thanks for your thoughts. The reason I'm thinking it's more than just motor and selection switches is because it's not just motor 6 that seems to have issues. As mentioned motor 5 continued to turn when I tried to test it as well, as if something wasn't communicating. Just motor switches and selection switches being faulty doesn't explain for the weird up and down scrolling that automatically happens when I go into set price.

There was no mention of motor 5 in your first post.  If 5 turns continuously, then it has the bad motor switch or stuck brake, but selection 6 switch is stuck/bad.

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Sorry, Yes you are correct I did not specifically mention that. I only mentioned that I had tried one of the other columns and the same thing happened. I'm pretty sure if I would try any of the other columns they would continue to turn as well. I doubt that all my motor switches went bad or all the brakes are stuck but I can double check that tomorrow. I also do you have another 276 e that is working fine and I could take that control board and swap it out with the one that is giving me issues and see if it fixes the problem... If that's safe to do. Once again bad motor switches and brakes don't account for the set price function going crazy and not working properly. 

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2 hours ago, EZVending25 said:

Sorry, Yes you are correct I did not specifically mention that. I only mentioned that I had tried one of the other columns and the same thing happened. I'm pretty sure if I would try any of the other columns they would continue to turn as well. I doubt that all my motor switches went bad or all the brakes are stuck but I can double check that tomorrow. I also do you have another 276 e that is working fine and I could take that control board and swap it out with the one that is giving me issues and see if it fixes the problem... If that's safe to do. Once again bad motor switches and brakes don't account for the set price function going crazy and not working properly. 

I'm not sure about them continuously vending.  Honestly, I dont think I have ever used a motor test function from the board if that's what you did.  I just take the motor cover off and move a motor switch out of position and pull the door switch.  Once it starts to turn, you let off of the motor switch and see if it stops as it should.  If this ONLY happens during a motor test function (from the board), then don't worry about it.  You should only worry about it happening during actual sales mode.  As for the selection switch, you need to make sure  nothing is stuck either with the button (stuck pushed in) or the switch itself.  If you can't find anything obvious, then just try to order a replacement.  

And for your 6-6 that you were talking about.  I don't know what the STS options show off the top of my head.  It's a mess that no one wants to get into.

It's possible that you have the wrong setup going on.  I still think something is wrong with selection 6.  One thing you never mentioned was if this machine worked fine previously.  Did you just get it?

Worst case scenario, you remove power from the machine (either unplug it at the outlet or unplug the barrel plug at the bottom of the cabinet) and then unplug the battery from the board for 5 minutes.  Then turn it on, reprice everything and see if that solves any issues.  I'm wondering if your STS is all messed up and it's creating other problems which is making this all extra confusing, especially if you just got the machine which I am starting to wonder (and an important detail to mention early if so)

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Now hold on.  A 276E should have 7 narrow columns and with a generic door your STS should be 7-7.  If you have 6-6 you have an older model with probably a wide column on the right and 5 narrow columns to the left of it.  You then probably also have an SII board instead of an SIID board.  The SII board has two round red buttons on it.  The SIID has a single square button, red or blue. 

STS 6-6 is correct if button one (top) controls the right hand column and then each button down, 2 through 6, should control each column as you move right to left.  That is 6-6.  If you are having price programming issues then you are either not in the PRIC mode or your machine isn't seeing buttons 1 and 2 being pressed together. 

It also sounds like maybe all of your motors have been sprayed by burst cans of soda.  Do you even have a motor cover protecting the motors?  If that happened then all the motors need to be washed off and the motor switches replaced.  I would replace the motor switches anyway due to your issues.  It's a cheap fix and they do wear out over a few years.  Your SS-6 error is selection switch 6 not being seen by the board.  So you might want to replace that too.   You have to do the basics before you can pronounce the board bad.

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Thanks guys for all the suggestions. This is not a machine I just bought. I have it for about a year now and outside of a few normal problems such as bills or coins being jammed, it has worked fine over the past year. Also this machine does have the SllD board and has the seven narrow columns as it should, which is why the 6-6 confuses me. There is a cover over the motors and from what I can see there was no burst can or anything like that, so I don't think that is the problem. However, I will do my due diligence and follow some of the suggestions you guys have mentioned and see what I can come up with. Thanks

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So a quick follow up on this. I checked all the motor switches using the method that AngryChris had suggested and those all checked out fine. They worked as they should. I have another 276 e so that allows me to swap out parts. I swapped out the door switch and that did not make a difference. I then swapped out the selection membrane and bam, it fixed it right away and everything worked perfectly fine. I then took out the working membrane again and put the faulty one in and it acted up right away again. I ordered a new selection membrane and will update once I get it installed and it for sure fixes the problem. To the plain eye nothing looks wrong with the membrane that is in there now but obviously something is not working as it should. 

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Too bad you didn't mention you had a selection membrane to begin with.  They commonly fail with no obvious sign of why.  They are just long copper traces embedded in plastic and they get corroded.

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1 minute ago, AZVendor said:

Too bad you didn't mention you had a selection membrane to begin with.  They commonly fail with no obvious sign of why.  They are just long copper traces embedded in plastic and they get corroded.

This shows my ignorance and lack of knowledge but I was a little confused when you were mentioning selection switches earlier but just assumed that the membrane had taken the place of what used to be selection switches? Did older 276E have selection switches instead of membranes or how does that work?

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The membranes became popular when DN wanted to streamline the selection panel and it was at Cokes urging.  It removed the mechanical switches that could receive a lot of abuse in favor of the more reliable membrane.  Of course those are susceptible to vandalism and water damage too but the operation of the membrane was more reliable than the older switches, especially as a machine ages.

Edited by AZVendor
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1 minute ago, AZVendor said:

The membranes became popular when DN wanted to streamline the selection panel.  It removed the mechanical switches that could receive a lot of abuse in favor of the more reliable membrane.  Of course those are susceptible to vandalism and water damage too but the operation of the membrane was more reliable that the older switches, especially as a machine ages.

Good history to know. thanks for the info

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Honestly, most of my experience with selection switches is on older can machines and I got rid of most of those due to various reasons.  The 501E/276E rarely give me trouble with the selection switches/membranes so it didn't even cross my mind.  What's more confusing was that you brought up STS multiple times and that's just not something most vendors ever mess with on a dixie.  I am glad you got it fixed and more power to you for figuring it out.  Sometimes it's so hard to figure things out unless you're right in front of the machine.

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