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Royal 660 GIII Coke Machine forgets money was put in.


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I would unplug the coin mech (with machine power off) and try using dollar bills. If that works bad coin mech. Unplugging the coin mech is important because the issue might be improper coin return pressed messages being sent by the coin mech.

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5 hours ago, AZVendor said:

Hmmm, could be a bad coin mech or logic board. What happens when you put a dollar bill in?  If that credit shows up then it's probably a bad coin mech.

So I put a dollar in and the credit disappeared, so my first thought was the logic board. I thought about board memory and put in the date and time. After trying twice and it disappearing, the third time the date and time saved for good. So then I tried to get coins from the coin changer to test the credits, but the buttons weren’t working. I unplugged the machine, I took off the coinco and checked it, then unplugged it and blew into the holes and plugged everything back in. As of now, it remembers change, vends, gives correct change, and everything. Given that on 2 separate days it has forgotten money put in, I fear that it will happen again when I put it into commission, but I hope that it was just a fluke. After I bought the machine, before knowing anything about it, I took out the coin mech and change bucket to take them home and clean up, which was good because both were filthy and the mech had some coins stuck way up in it, but maybe I messed up putting it back in or the connections just got dirtied. Still doesn’t explain why it forgot the date and time and the dollar bill credit though. I’m just going to give this machine some much needed cleaning and tlc and hope that it will stay healthy and working after. I only paid $200 for it so I assume even if I need to upgrade the coin mech or logic board then it’ll still be an amazing deal for me regardless. I’m getting to learn more about it each time I visit it, and I’m at most a week away from commissioning it. I’m glad communities like this exist because without it I would be lost and would probably mess it up more

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The date and time will default if you lose power and the timekeeper chip is bad on the board. Now that it's working and you have filthy parts of the machine, you probably had dirty connections as well.

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6 hours ago, AZVendor said:

The date and time will default if you lose power and the timekeeper chip is bad on the board. Now that it's working and you have filthy parts of the machine, you probably had dirty connections as well.

Is canned air a good way to clean connections? What would I use to clean the metal parts of the machine (such as the change return and vend area)?

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