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National vendor 147 error, HELP!


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So I have a national vendor model 147 snack machine and I am getting an error that states “ comlink , waste pail, cpl error, food door , health ctl” what could that be, I am new to the vending gig so any help would be appreciated. 

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You are getting errors all related to other models of machine that this board could be installed in.  If your model number is correct and this is just a snack machine then did you recently install this logic board?  Did someone else do that?  Is the machine new to you?  So many questions, so few ways to read your mind.  You might need to do a RAM CLEAR on the logic board to reset it.  Those instructions are in our downloads section. 


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I got it about a month ago everything worked all rows, coin mech, and I installed a mars bill acceptor. I’m not 100% sure what the guy before me put in it.(got the machine for 300 bucks) the machine was working until i had to take the coin mech out and see why the coins were going straight through and when I installed it back is when everything started going crazy. At first it would get stuck on the “ waking up “ then say “ready” but it would keep going back and forth. When I try to make selections it will freeze it seems like for about 5-10 seconds then say make another selection. So At this point I have no idea what I could do to try to fix this machine lol. And I also tried doing ram clear like u suggested and after i press the # and hold * then repeatedly press it until “ clear” comes up but “ clear” never comes up.  

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There's the possibility that you have a board for a different model.  Most of those old national boards were interchangeable but had to be set to the right model.  There are multiple boards in them.  Going ready, then waking up, seems to tell me the board keeps restarting.  But it also sounds like you do have power.  It also sounds like you have low voltage.  It's possible you made something arc IF you installed the mech with power on.  But if you have a component that's faulty, you can have similar problems, or if you have low voltage on the circuit.  Otherwise, I'd suspect a bad board.

Turn power off and disconnect the light bulb, the bill acceptor, and the coin mech.  Then turn it back on and see if anything changes.  If it does, install components one at a time (turn power off before connecting/disconnecting).  See if you can find a culprit.  If I had to pick a potential culprit, it's the bill acceptor.

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I did what you said, turned off machine then unplugged the mech, bill acceptor, and light bulb and I got nothing different. So I’m suspecting bad board? Is it common that only the board gets damaged when not turning off machine while changing things. Or can I just maybe get a new board for about 120 bucks and see what happens but if that’s not the issue then I’m not sure what else could be. 

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The hardest part is the ram clear honestly.  You have to make sure it's set for snack (hopefully that's default anyway) and you might have to configure motors.  Once it's ready to be priced, it takes maybe 5 minutes if you know what you're doing.  Installing the board itself takes a bit of time if it's your first time.

To price it, just follow the directions that should be inside the machine.  It's something like price, right arrow, right arrow, and then it should say A0 or whatever.  I don't know off the top of my head.  Once you start pricing, you just type prices in calculator style (ie. 1-0-0 = 1.00) and then press either right arrow or down arrow to move to the next selection.  


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