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Threat of foreclosure, how to get rid of non paying tenents???


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A landlord friend of mine told a tenant one time ...This house is going to burn down tonight you might want to get out..That is all it took..

I had one that would not move me and uncle when to house and removed the central air in 100deg weather they moved within hours..

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A landlord friend of mine told a tenant one time ...This house is going to burn down tonight you might want to get out..That is all it took..

I had one that would not move me and uncle when to house and removed the central air in 100deg weather they moved within hours..

I will remember this,ecspecially the second idea.there is no law that says a property has to have air conditioning.
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I think if it had the AC when they rented it, it may be illegal to remove that AC.

Check with a lawyer before doing anything, because otherwise it will bite you in the golpher.

In Texas there is a Real Estate club with a radio show.  I have been listening to the podcasts recently while exercising.  Anyway, one of the hosts has said that every time he is asked about bad tenants, he asks if they did due diligence with their rental history, and the answer is always no.  They felt they "needed a tenant now" so their property didn't sit there empty, and instead ended up full, but without the rent.

If anyone cares, here is the website:


Interestingly I found it because I was searching for vending, and bookmarked it even before I found this forum.

They do have paid memberships, but I am simply listening to the podcasts for free right now.  (And am way behind.)  I don't agree fully with everything they say, but they seem to know a lot about Real Estate.

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If the lease says that the owner provides the a/c then you can't legally remove it. After 2 and 1/2 yrs in the rental business. I have found out that there are a lot of landlords that do not follow the laws.

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I thought the leaese specified who repairs the ac not that there has to be one.you could get around this if you can get a repairman to suck the freon out of it and then put it back in.I dont think this will damage the unit and the repair man will have mad the easiest 50 bucks of his life. worth it to get rid of squatters.it is easier then takeing apart and remounting to.

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Sounds like a website address to order  free trojans LOL!! ;D

Seriously, I have been listening as well and am planning to attend free their seminar in Jan. I'm only 20 minutes away from their office.  Upon successful completion of further due diligence I plan to be seriously looking at my first rental property sometime in the summer.

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  • 1 month later...


WOW i am way behind.  SORRY FOR THE DELAY

OK, first i will say that i am sitting in house in subject typing this message right now. They finnally left, it was a nightmare, still working on getting the 2800$ or so that they owe. Its been a crazy couple of months, thank you to everyone who gave their opinion, if nothing else a lot of good ideas about how to get them out. As of now the morgage on the house is about 2 and a half months behind but as long as i keep paying we should be fine.

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Yes, how.  

And are they accepting a 2 and a half month late mortgage payment?  My understanding is they will only accept the full amount, or an agreement that will bring you current in a very short period of time.  (i.e. mortgage payment plus 50%.)

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Well, to get them out my mom went through all the legal bs, but after we chased them all over this little town over a couple weeks time we got the guy served court papers. Then when she went to the court date and they didnt show up the judge ruled in our favor of course, BUT he made us serve the woman too so we had to hunt her down and get her served. Again at the hearing they didnt show up and once again everything went our way, the judge even ruled that they owe us the money. The stupid thing is that if we want to actually collect it then we have to file more papers and jump through more hoops just to collect their money. This state is retarted. They did end up leaving on their own free will just before they absolutly had to. They left me a pole barn full of useless junk that i couldnt even sell, most of it was garbage, not limited to food out of the refridgerator, porn, expired medical supplies, used oil that spilled everywhere because i didnt know it was in the maxwell house coffee container. lol, yep its been a mess, but they are gone!!!

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I have heard many horror stories from do-it-yourself landlords.  In the future, always hire a property management company to rent your place.  They will run the ads, show the place to prospects, do all background and credit checks on the prospects, collect the deposit, understand the legal system and will execute the legal system more efficiently so that it does not drag out so long in the case of deadbeat tenants (oops I mean those less fortunate tenants).

Yea, the system sucks.  Those that play by the rules are punished (and pay the bill) and those that don't play fair exploit every loophole in the system (and pay nothing).

Jax - Getting REAL sick of this Entitlement mentality!  Is it 2012 Yet?

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Clearly it's the Mayan calendar which says in 2012 there will be another election. That's what it says right?

i THOUGHT IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN BUT THEN WHAT IF WHAT THeres no tenents there wont be landlords either.

some people belive it will be a new begining of some sort though, and not a catastrophe like in the movie.

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When it comes to property management companies - negotiate, negotiate, negotiate!

Monthly Fee - 7% monthly rent (many will want to charge 9% to 10%)

Tennant Finder's Fee - 75% first months rent (many will want to charge 100%

Lease Renewal - Flat $99 (many will want to charge 50%)

Shop around and tell them you are shopping for competitive rates.

I see no choice using a property manager since doing it yourself was a disaster.  Dead beat tenants will milk the system for as long as they can and will trash your place in the process.  How much money did you really save by NOT using a property manager?

I had a coworker who had 6 rental properties in North Virginia.  He had one tenant from hell that cost him big time.  Chinese immigrants moved in and brought another 10 family members in a 3 bed room house.  Neighbors complained about the over crowding and parking problems.  It took 3 months for the legal system to get them out and I believe he lost 6 months rent.  But the bigger problem was that the house was trashed.  These people even had livestock and cooked them in the fireplace!  They did $80,000 damage.  These tenants were armed and even refused to leave and the sheriff had to remove them!  My coworker sold all his properties in order to recover and said "never again" to rental properties.  Once again the system can really suck for those that play by the rules and we have to take extra steps in order to protect ourselves.


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